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Combined Works of Thomas Manton 1.1
Many sermons on topics and verses

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This module was originally posted in 2012 and the external link was lost when Google sites went away. The original discussion thread is here: https://forums.swordsearcher.com/threads/sermons-on-ps-119-by-thomas-manton.1806/

Combined Contents of of Thomas Manton's Works table of contents

Volume 1

05 LP Which art in heaven.
06 LP Hallowed be thy name.
07 LP Thy kingdom come.
08 LP Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
09 LP Give us this day our daily bread.
10 LP And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
11 LP And lead us not into temptation.
12 LP But deliver us from evil.
13 LP For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
15 CT SERMON I. Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil.--Mt 4:1.
16 CT SERMON II. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterwards an hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. And he answered and said, It is written, Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.--Mt 4:2-4.
17 CT SERMON III. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee; and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.--Mt 4:5-6.
18 CT SERMON IV. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.--Mt 4:7.
19 CT SERMON V. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.--Mt 4:8-9.
20 CT SERMON VI Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.--Mt 4:10.
21 CT SERMON VII. Then the devil leaveth him, and behold angels came and ministered unto him.--Mt 4:11.
23 TC SERMON I. And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them into an high mountain apart.--Mt 17:1;
24 TC SERMON II. And he was transfigured before them; and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.--Mt 17:2;
25 TC SERMON III. And behold there appeared unto him Moses and Elias talking with him.--Mt 17:3;
26 TC SERMON V. While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold, a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.--Mt 17:5.
27 TC SERMON VI. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased; hear ye him.--Mt 17:5.
28 TC SERMON VII. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces, and were sore afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, be not afraid. And when they had lift up their eyes, they saw no man save Jesus only.--Mt 17:6-8.
30 RC SERMON I. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.--Col 1:14.
31 RC SERMON II. Who is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of every creature.--Col 1:15.
32 RC SERMON III. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.--Col 1:16.
33 RC SERMON IV. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.--Col 1:17.
34 RC SERMON V. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.--Col 1:18.
35 RC SERMON VI. Who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead.--Col 1:18.
36 RC SERMON VII. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.--Col 1:19;
37 RC SERMON VIII. And having made peace by the blood of his cross, to reconcile all things to himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.--Col 1:20.

Volume 2

04 SERMON I. Ps 32:1-2
05 SERMON II. Ps 32:1-2
06 SERMON III. Ac 3:26
07 SERMON IV. 2Pe 3; 1:4
08 SERMON V. Mr 9:49
09 SERMON VI. 2Th 3:5
10 SERMON VII. 2Th 3:5
11 SERMON VIII. Eph 1:8
12 SERMON IX. Mt 27:46
13 SERMON X. Ro 1:29-30
14 SERMON XI. Ga 5:16
15 SERMON XII. Job 19:25
16 SERMON XIII 1Ti 6:8
17 SERMON XIV. Ec 9:11
18 SERMON XV. Ac 21:14
19 SERMON XVI. Joh 3:16
20 SERMON XVII. De 30:15
21 SERMON XVIII. Mt 7:12
22 SERMON XIX. Eph 2:10
23 SERMON XX. Eph 2:10

Volume 3


03 SERMON I - 2Th 2:1-2,
04 SERMON II. - 2Th 2:2,
05 SERMON III. - 2Th 2:3,
06 SERMON IV. - 2Th 2:4,
07 SERMON V. - 2Th 2:5-7,
08 SERMON VI. - 2Th 2:8,
09 SERMON VII. - 2Th 2:9-10,
10 SERMON VIII. - 2Th 2:10,
11 SERMON IX. - 2Th 2:11-12,
12 SERMON X. - 2Th 2:12,
13 SERMON XI. - 2Th 2:13,
14 SERMON XII. - 2Th 2:14,
15 SERMON XIII. - 2Th 2:15,
16 SERMON XIV. - 2Th 2:16-17,
17 SERMON XV. - 2Th 2:16,
18 SERMON XVI. - 2Th 2:16,
19 SERMON XVII. - 2Th 2:17,
20 SERMON XVIII. - 2Th 2:17


22 THE FIRST VERSE. - Isa 53:1
23 THE SECOND VERSE. - Isa 53:2
24 THE THIRD VERSE. - Isa 53:3
25 THE FOURTH VERSE. - Isa 53:4
26 THE FIFTH VERSE. - Isa 53:5
27 THE SIXTH VERSE. - Isa 53:6
28 THE SEVENTH VERSE. - Isa 53:7
29 THE EIGHTH VERSE. - Isa 53:8
30 THE NINTH VERSE. - Isa 53:9
31 THE TENTH VERSE. - Isa 53:10
32 THE ELEVENTH VERSE. - Isa 53:11
33 THE TWELFTH VERSE. - Isa 53:12

Vol 4 -A Practical Commentary; or, an Exposition with Notes, on the Epistle of James,

04 CHAPTER I. Jas 1
05 CHAPTER II. Jas 2
07 CHAPTER IV. Jas 4
08 CHAPTER V. Jas 5

Volume 5

03 Ver. 1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, Jude 1
04 Ver. 2. Mercy unto you, and peace and love be multiplied. Jude 2
05 Ver. 3. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write to you Jude 3
06 Ver. 4.For there are certain men crept in unawares, Jude 4
07 Ver. 5. I will therefore put you in remembrance, Jude 5
08 Ver. 6. And the angels which kept not their first estate, Jude 6
09 Ver. 7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, Jude 7
10 Ver. 8. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, Jude 8
11 Ver. 9. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil Jude 9
12 Ver. 10. But these speak evil of the things which they know not; Jude 10
13 Ver. 11. Woe unto them, Jude 11
14 Ver. 12. These are spots in your feasts of charity, Jude 12
15 Ver. 13. Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their shame; Jude 13
16 Ver. 14. And Enoch also, Jude 14
17 Ver. 15. To execute judgment upon all, Jude 15
18 Ver. 16. These are murmurers, complainers, Jude 16
19 Ver. 17. But, beloved, remember ye the words Jude 17
20 Ver. 18. How that they told you that there should be mockers Jude 18
21 Ver. 19. Those be they who separate themselves, sensual, Jude 19
22 Ver. 20. But ye, beloved, build up yourselves Jude 20
23 Ver. 21. Keep yourselves in the love of God,
24 Ver. 22, 23. And of some have compassion, making a difference: Jude 22-23
25 Ver. 24. Now unto him that is able to Jceep you from falling, Jude 24
26 Ver. 25. To the only wise God, our Saviour, Jude 25

Volume 6

01 SERMON I."Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord," Ps 119:1,
02 SERMON II."Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, that seek him with the whole heart," Ps 119:2,
03 SERMON III."Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, that seek him with the whole heart," Ps 119:2,
04 SERMON IV.They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways," Ps 119:3,
05 SERMON V."Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently," Ps 119:4,
06 SERMON VI."Oh, that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes," Ps 119:5,
07 SERMON VII."Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments," Ps 119:6,
08 SERMON VIII"I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments," Ps 119:7,
09 SERMON IX."I will keep thy statutes. Oh, forsake me not utterly," Ps 119:8,
10 SERMON X."Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word," Ps 119:9,
11 SERMON XI."With my whole heart have I sought thee: Oh, let me not wander from thy commandments," Ps 119:10,
12 SERMON XII."Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee," Ps 119:11,
13 SERMON XIII."Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:12,
14 SERMON XIV."With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth," Ps 119:13,
15 SERMON XV."I have rejoiced in the way of thy commandments, as much as in all riches," Ps 119:14,
16 SERMON XVI."I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways," Ps 119:15,
17 SERMON XVII."I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word," Ps 119:16,
18 SERMON XVIII."Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word," Ps 119:17,
19 SERMON XIX."Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law," Ps 119:18,
20 SERMON XX."I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me," Ps 119:19,
21 SERMON XXI."My soul breaketh for the longing it hath unto thy judgments at all times," Ps 119:20,
22 SERMON XXII."Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments," Ps 119:21,
23 SERMON XXIII."Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies," Ps 119:22,
24 SERMON XXIV."Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes," Ps 119:23,
25 SERMON XXV."Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors," Ps 119:24,
26 SERMON XXVI."My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word," Ps 119:25,
27 SERMON XXVII."I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:26,
28 SERMON XXVIII."Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works," Ps 119:27,
29 SERMON XXIX."My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according to thy word," Ps 119:28,
30 SERMON XXX."Remove from me the way of lying; and grant me thy law graciously," Ps 119:29,
31 SERMON XXXI."I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me," Ps 119:30,
32 SERMON XXXII"I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me," Ps 119:30,
33 SERMON XXXIII."I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O Lord, put me not to shame," Ps 119:31,
34 SERMON XXXIV."I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart," Ps 119:32,
35 SERMON XXXV."I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart," Ps 119:32,
36 SERMON XXXVI."Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end.'' Ps 119:33,
37 SERMON XXXVII."Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart," Ps 119:34,
38 SERMON XXXVIII."Yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart," Ps 119:34,
39 SERMON XXXIX."Make me to go in the path of thy commandments, for therein do I delight," Ps 119:35,
40 SERMON XL."Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness," Ps 119:36,
41 SERMON XLI."And not unto covetousness," Ps 119:36,
42 SERMON XLII."Turn thou away mine eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy way," Ps 119:37,
43 SERMON XLIII."Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear," Ps 119:38,
44 SERMON XLIV."Turn away my reproach which I fear; for thy judgments are good," Ps 119:39,
45 SERMON XLV."Behold I have longed after thy precepts; quicken me in thy righteousness," Ps 119:40,
46 SERMON XLVI."Behold I have longed after thy precepts," &c., Ps 119:40,
47 SERMON XLVII."Let thy mercies come also to me, O Lord, even thy salvation, according to thy word," Ps 119:41,
48 SERMON XLVIII."So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word," Ps 119:42,
49 SERMON XLIX."And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments," Ps 119:43,
50 SERMON L."So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever," Ps 119:44,
51 SERMON LI."And I will walk at liberty; for I seek thy precepts," Ps 119:45,
52 SERMON LII."I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed," Ps 119:46,

Volume 7

00 SERMON LIII."And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved," Ps 119:47,
01 SERMON LIV."My hands also will I lift up to thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes," Ps 119:48,
02 SERMON LV."Remember thy word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope," Ps 119:49,
03 SERMON LVI."This is my comfort in my affliction; for thy word hath quickened me," Ps 119:50,
04 SERMON LVII."The proud have had me greatly in derision j yet have I not declined from thy law," Ps 119:51,
05 SERMON LVIII."I have remembered thy judgments of old, Lord; and have comforted myself," Ps 119:52,
06 SERMON LIX."Horror hath taken hold on me, because of the wicked which forsake thy law," Ps 119:53,
07 SERMON LX."Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage," Ps 119:54,
08 SERMON LXI."I have remembered thy name, Lord, in the night, and have kept thy law," Ps 119:55,
09 SERMON LXII."I have remembered thy name, Lord, in the night, and have kept thy law," Ps 119:55,
10 SERMON LXIII."This I had, because I kept thy precepts," Ps 119:56,
11 SERMON LXIV."Thou art my portion, Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words," Ps 119:57,
12 SERMON LXV."I entreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word," Ps 119:58,
13 SERMON LXVI."I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies," Ps 119:59
14 SERMON LXVII."I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments," Ps 119:60,
15 SERMON LXVIII."I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments," Ps 119:60,
16 SERMON LXIX."The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law," Ps 119:61,
17 SERMON LXX."At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee, because of thy righteous judgments," Ps 119:62,
18 SERMON LXXI."I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts," Ps 119:63,
19 SERMON LXXII."The earth, Lord, is full of thy glory: teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:64,
20 SERMON LXXIII."Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, Lord, according to thy word," Ps 119:65,
21 SERMON LXXIV."Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments," Ps 119:66,
22 SERMON LXXV."For I have believed thy commandments," Ps 119:66,
23 SERMON LXXVI."Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now I have kept thy word," Ps 119:67,
24 SERMON LXXVII."Thou art good, and doest good: teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:68,
25 SERMON LXXVIII."Teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:68,
26 SERMON LXXIX."It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes," Ps 119:71,
27 SERMON LXXX."The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver," Ps 119:72,
28 SERMON LXXXI."Thine hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments," Ps 119:73,
29 SERMON LXXXII."They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in thy word," Ps 119:74,
30 SERMON LXXXIII."I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that in faithfulness thou hast afflicted me," Ps 119:75,
31 SERMON LXXXIV."Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant," Ps 119:76,
32 SERMON LXXXV."Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight," Ps 119:77,
33 SERMON LXXXVI."Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts," Ps 119:78,
34 SERMON LXXXVII."But I will meditate in thy precepts. Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that have known thy testimonies," Ps 119:78-79,
35 SERMON LXXXVIII."Let my heart be sound in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed," Ps 119:80
36 SERMON LXXXIX."My soul fainteth for thy salvation; but I hope in thy word," Ps 119:81,
37 SERMON XC."Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me," Ps 119:82.
38 SERMON XCI."For I am become like a bottle in the smoke: yet do I not forget thy precepts," Ps 119:83,
39 SERMON XCII."The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law," Ps 119:85
40 SERMON XCIII."For ever, Lord, thy word is settled in heaven," Ps 119:89,
41 SERMON XCIV."Thy word is settled in heaven," Ps 119:89,
42 SERMON XCV."Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth," Ps 119:90,
43 SERMON XCVI."They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants," Ps 119:91,
44 SERMON XCVII."Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction," Ps 119:92,
45 SERMON XCVIII."I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me," Ps 119:93,
46 SERMON XCIX."I am thine, save me: for I have sought thy precepts," Ps 119:94,
47 SERMON C."I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad," Ps 119:96,
48 SERMON CI."Oh, how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day," Ps 119:97,
49 SERMON CII."Oh, how love I thy law!" &c., Ps 119:97,
50 SERMON CIII."Thou, through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies; for they are ever with me," Ps 119:98,

Volume 8

01 SERMON CIV. "Thou, through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies; for they are ever with me," Ps 119:98,
02 SERMON CV. "I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation," Ps 119:99,
03 SERMON CVI. "I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts," Ps 119:100,
04 SERMON CVII. "I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word," Ps 119:101,
05 SERMON CVIII. "I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me," Ps 119:102,
06 SERMON CIX. "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth," Ps 119:103,
07 SERMON CX. "Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way," Ps 119:104,
08 SERMON CXI. "Therefore I hate every false way," Ps 119:104,
09 SERMON CXII. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path," Ps 119:105,
10 SERMON CXIII. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path," Ps 119:105,
11 SERMON CXIV. "I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments," Ps 119:106,
12 SERMON CXV. "I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments," Ps 119:106,
13 SERMON CXVI. "I am afflicted very much: quicken me, Lord, according unto thy word," Ps 119:107,
14 SERMON CXVII. "Quicken me, Lord, according unto thy word," Ps 119:107,
15 SERMON CXVIII. "Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will-offerings of my mouth, Lord, and teach me thy judgments," Ps 119:108,
16 SERMON CXIX. "My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law," Ps 119:109,
17 SERMON CXX. [9]. "The wicked have laid a snare for me; yet I erred not from thy precepts," Ps 119:110,
18 SERMON CXXI. "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart," Ps 119:111,
19 SERMON CXXII. "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart," Ps 119:111,
20 SERMON CXXIII. "I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes always to the end," Ps 119:112,
21 SERMON CXXIV. "I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love," Ps 119:113,
22 SERMON CXXV. "Thou art my hiding-place and my shield: I hope in thy word," Ps 119:114,
23 SERMON CXXVI. "Depart from me, ye evil-doers: for I will keep the commandments of my God," Ps 119:115,
24 SERMON CXXVII. "Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live; and let me not be ashamed of my hope," Ps 119:116,
25 SERMON CXXVIII. "And let me not be ashamed of my hope. Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe; and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually," Ps 119:116,
26 SERMON CXXIX. "Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood," Ps 119:118,
27 SERMON CXXX. "Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies," Ps 119:119,
28 SERMON CXXXI. "My flesh trembleth for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgments," Ps 119:120,
29 SERMON CXXXII. "I have done judgment and justice: leave me not to mine oppressors," Ps 119:121,
30 SERMON CXXXIII. "Be surety for thy servant for good: let not the proud oppress me," Ps 119:122,
31 SERMON CXXXIV. "Be surety for thy servant for good: let not the proud oppress me," Ps 119:122,
32 SERMON CXXXV. "Mine eyes fail for thy salvation, and for the word of thy righteousness," Ps 119:123,
33 SERMON CXXXVI. "Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:124,
34 SERMON CXXXVII. "I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies," Ps 119:125,
35 SERMON CXXXVIII. "It is time for thee, Lord, to work; for they have made void thy law," Ps 119:126,
36 SERMON CXXXIX. "Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold," Ps 119:127,
37 SERMON CXL. "Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way," Ps 119:128,
38 SERMON CXLI. "Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them," Ps 119:129,
39 SERMON CXLII. "Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them," Ps 119:129,
40 SERMON CXLIII. "The entrance of thy word giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple," Ps 119:130,
41 SERMON CXLIV. "I opened my mouth, and panted: for I longed for thy commandments," Ps 119:131,
42 SERMON CXLV. "Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name," Ps 119:132,
43 SERMON CXLVI. "As thou usest to do unto those that love thy name," Ps 119:132,
44 SERMON CXLVII. "Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me," Ps 119:133,
45 SERMON CXLVIII. "And let not any iniquity have dominion over me," Ps 119:133,
46 SERMON CXLIX. "Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts," Ps 119:134,
47 SERMON CL. "Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes," Ps 119:135,
48 SERMON CLI. "Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law," Ps 119:136,
49 SERMON CLII. "Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law," Ps 119:136,
50 SERMON CLIII. "Righteous art thou, Lord, and upright are thy judgments," Ps 119:137,
51 SERMON CLIV. "Righteous art thou, Lord, and upright are thy judgments," Ps 119:137,
52 SERMON CLV. "Thy testimonies, which thou hast commanded, are righteous and very faithful," Ps 119:138,
53 SERMON CLVI. "My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words," Ps 119:139,
54 SERMON CLVII. "Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it," Ps 119:140,
55 SERMON CLVIII. "I am small and despised; yet do I not forget thy precepts," Ps 119:141,

Volume 9

01 SERMON I. But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.--Php 3:7.
02 SERMON II Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.--Php 3:8.
03 SERMON III. Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.--Php 3:8.
04 SERMON IV. That I may win Christ.--Php 3:8.
05 SERMON V. And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.--Php 3:9.
06 SERMON VI. That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death.--Php 3:10.
07 SERMON VII. If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.--Php 3:11.
08 SERMON VIII. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.--Php 3:12.
09 SERMON IX. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.--Php 3:12.
10 SERMON X. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth toward those things which are before, I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.--Php 3:13-14.
11 SERMON XI. I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.--Php 3:14.
12 SERMON XII. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so, as ye have us for an ensample.--Php 3:17.
13 SERMON XIII. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ.--Php 3:18.
14 SERMON XIV. Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.--Php 3:19.
15 SERMON XV. For our conversation is in heaven.--Php 3:20.
16 SERMON XVI. From whence also we look for our Saviour and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.--Php 3:20.
17 SERMON XVII. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby lie is able even to subdue all things unto himself.--Php 3:21.
18 SERMONS UPON PHILIPPIANS I. 21. SERMON I. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.--Php 1:21.
19 SERMON II. To die is gain.--Php 1:21.
20 SERMONS UPON 2 THESSALONIANS I. [5] SERMON I. So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations which ye endure.--2Th 1:4.
21 SERMON II. Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.--2Th 1:5.
22 SERMON III. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you that are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.--2Th 1:6-7.
23 SERMON IV. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you that are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.--2Th 1:6-7.
24 SERMON V. When the Lard Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.--2Th 1:7.
25 SERMON VI. In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.--2Th 1:8.
26 SERMON VII. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power.--2Th 1:9.
27 SERMON VIII. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.--2Th 1:10.
28 SERMON IX. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, &c.--2Th 1:10.
29 SERMON X. Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.--2Th 1:11.
30 SERMON XL Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of his calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.--2Th 1:11.
31 SERMON XII. Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.--2Th 1:11.
32 SERMON XIII. Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.--2Th 1:11.
33 SERMON XIV. That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.--2Th 1:12.
34 SERMON XV. That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.--2Th 1:12.
35 SERMON XVI. That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.--2Th 1:12.
36 SERMON UPON MATTHEW XXII. 14. For many are called, but few are chosen.--Mt 22:14.
37 SERMON UPON MARK VII. 37. He hath done all things well.--Mr 7:37.
38 SERMON UPON 2 CORINTHIANS IV. 17. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.--2Co 4:17.
39 SERMONS UPON 1 JOHN II. 12-14. SERMON I. I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake.--1Jo 2:12.
40 SERMON II. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have over come the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.--1Jo 2:13-14.
41 SERMON III. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that was from the beginning, &c.--1Jo 2:13-14.
42 SERMON IV. I write unto you fathers, &c.--1Jo 2:13-14.
43 SERMON V. I write unto you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one, &c.--1Jo 2:13-14.
44 SERMON VI I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father, &c.--1Jo 2:13-14.
45 SERMONS UPON 1 JOHN III SERMON I. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God! therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.--1Jo 3:1.
46 SERMON II. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God; and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.--1Jo 3:1-2.
47 SERMON III. But we know that, when he shall appear, ice shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.--1Jo 3:2.
48 SERMON IV. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.--1Jo 3:3.
49 SERMON V. And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, as he is pure.--1Jo 3:3.
50 SERMON VI. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law; for sin is a transgression of the law.--1Jo 3:4.
51 SERMON VII. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law; for sin is a transgression of the law.--1Jo 3:4.
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This is a huge work, but a great one to have. I've only read through some of the life of this great saint, so far, but I have enjoyed finding out that he would preach what the Lord said, despite any opposition.