• The SwordSearcher module repository on this forum contains listings and downloads of Bible study material for use with SwordSearcher Bible Software. To use the downloads on this site, you must have SwordSearcher installed on your computer, and you need to log in to the forum.
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Favorites 1.0
User editable list of favorite verses by book of the Bible

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Favorite verses by book of the Bible with one or two from most every chapter. It's user-editable so you can change it. It comes preloaded with my current set of favorites.

Some things I like about this module:
  1. The word, FAV, shows up in the margin links of the Scripture on each of your favorite verses.
  2. You can find a good verse in some of the sticky pages of the Bible like 2 Chronicles or Obadiah before you read.
  3. You can change it to make it your own.
  4. The graphical table of contents
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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