1st book entry


Beta Tester
Is there an easy way to get to the 1st entry in a book without using the scroll bars. In SS 8 when you switch from one book tab to another, it goes to the closest matching topic rather than the first entry. That topic is often not relevant.
I did some experimenting and really the only other way to do it is to set the focus and start typing the first character of the title for the first entry, which is obviously not optimal since you may not know what that is.

SS8 does have a different matching algorithm for "closest entry" which, I think, works well when switching between dictionaries with similar entry title contents but as you say, it can produce irrelevant matching.

This definitely needs improvement and I have put this on my to-do list for enhancement and will make it a priority. At the very least I will make the drop-down menu respond to the Home key.
The home key would be great. I also noticed that module shortcuts go to the first entry. I can use this for a few key modules that have a table of contents. Thanks.