A tip for users with lots of modules

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
If you have installed lots of third-party modules into SwordSearcher, you might have a ton of library tabs taking up a lot of space on your screen. Here's a short tutorial on getting a handle on the library tabs and Bible margin links without having to remove any modules:

Easy Steps to Free Up Study Space

Short excerpt:

SwordSearcher is designed to make accessing a wide variety of resources simple and straightforward, but using SwordSearcher can be made even more pleasant by taking a few easy steps to hide tabs and links that are rarely used. This is especially helpful if you have a smaller monitor or do not run SwordSearcher maximized.

  • Hiding infrequently used library tabs
  • Reducing Bible margin link quantity
If you have installed lots of third-party modules into SwordSearcher, you might have a ton of library tabs taking up a lot of space on your screen. Here's a short tutorial on getting a handle on the library tabs and Bible margin links without having to remove any modules:

Easy Steps to Free Up Study Space

Short excerpt:

Great tips. For me, I find keeping all the tabs in a single file and making use of that alt-f10 (is that the shortcut? sorry I'm not home right now and having a brain freeze) helps alot, especially since I use SS mostly in a reduced size on my desktop so I can have my word processor running underneath, and also becuase I have just about every user mod that's been created. Or I least I try to keep up that way.