Brandon -- Do you object?


Beta Tester
When I upgrade, I will sometimes pass on my old disk to a friend.

First, any objection to this? If so, I'll stop in the future.

Second, can we then encourage them to contact you to become a registered user, so they can receive information, etc..

And finally, though they didn't buy the disk, since we did and we end up paying for an upgrade [which is what I mean when I upgrade above], can our friend then get new upgrades from version to version at the upgrade price?

Thanks & blessings.
When I upgrade, I will sometimes pass on my old disk to a friend.

This equates to using the upgrade price to buy copies for friends, and isn't really the intent of the upgrade offer.

However, I have no desire to be narrow on this issue, and I don't mind if people give their old version discs away when the upgrade to the latest CD.

can our friend then get new upgrades from version to version at the upgrade price

The "rule" on the upgrade web page is that you qualify for the upgrade price if you have your own copy of SwordSearcher Deluxe, so yes. :)
Brandon Staggs said:
When I upgrade, I will sometimes pass on my old disk to a friend.

This equates to using the upgrade price to buy copies for friends, and isn't really the intent of the upgrade offer.

However, I have no desire to be narrow on this issue, and I don't mind if people give their old version discs away when the upgrade to the latest CD.

can our friend then get new upgrades from version to version at the upgrade price

The "rule" on the upgrade web page is that you qualify for the upgrade price if you have your own copy of SwordSearcher Deluxe, so yes. :)

Well, the truth is the way I've described it above is what I really have done in the past.

For example, the version I got introduced to SS with was 3.4. And I still have it because I like it so well -- although after checking out 2.0 tonight I see I don't really need that CD, but I'll keep it.

I also have 4.4e, which was the last CD I upgraded to. I also have I also have the 4.1 disk still.

I think somewhere along the line I had 1 other disk, I forget which 4.x version it was. But that's the one and only copy I ever gave away. Just to a friend. And at the time without really thinking I simply suggested they write and say they were given the disk as a gift -- which was the truth -- so they could receive update information from you.

I also think I gave [1] shareware copy away, too, but that's the point of that, right? Amen.

Honestly, I never thought about buying upgrades in order to "supply" others but I can see your point and it's valid.

So again, please know I won't make this a habit. But the forums made me think of it, and that's why I raised it here.

So again, please know I won't make this a habit. But the forums made me think of it, and that's why I raised it here.

No worries! I hope my response didn't give the impression I was upset with your post. I wasn't. :)

I really appreciate word-of-mouth from customers. A few passed-on old versions will certainly help get the word out and expose more people to SwordSearcher, so I really don't mind.
No offense taken, and none implied. Just wanted you to be clear I wasn't trying to take some unfair advantage. I had done this once, maybe twice, as I say, and never thought to ask before. Then the forums got me thinking about different things, and that was one.

I read this original request as, "Is it alright to cheat somebody out of a fair purchase price ?" Brandon is unbelievably kind in this respect, but since he already offers a free trial, there should be no need to pass on old disks. Indeed, many upgrades require the original disk to install the upgraded version.

It is this abuse of the system that is now requiring bona fide users to "activate" their installation, which plays havoc when their computer ultimately fails and has to be replaced.
PastorTim said:
No offense taken, and none implied. Just wanted you to be clear I wasn't trying to take some unfair advantage. I had done this once, maybe twice, as I say, and never thought to ask before. Then the forums got me thinking about different things, and that was one.

Hey PastorTim -

Just a thought. I do agree with Lance that Brandon is being very gracious. I think you should consider asking your friend to simply purchase his own copy. Not only does this support Brandon and his efforts, I think its the right thing to do and removes any and all questions about the "ethics" of such actions.

-- Jerry
Hey PastorTim -

Just a thought. I do agree with Lance that Brandon is being very gracious. I think you should consider asking your friend to simply purchase his own copy. Not only does this support Brandon and his efforts, I think its the right thing to do and removes any and all questions about the "ethics" of such actions.

-- Jerry

Plus the fact that Brandon offers disks at knock-down prices from time to time. Every purchase avoided means that we all pay a bit extra in the end.
Well, those are good thoughts and I certainly don't disagree.

The person I shared it with was a member of my church who I was trying to help out at the time. And since I've only done it the once, I guess I'll just live and learn.

Pastor Tim,

We are not really getting at you. It was a good thought to help out a fellow Christian and clearly Brandon thinks so too from his answers.

If I think one of my fellow Christians can't afford something, I buy it for him ... but I am mighty mad when I later find him driving a new Volvo. LOL