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Free Add-on Creeds of Christendom (Schaff) [SchCreeds] 1.1
Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes, Philip Schaff (3 vols).

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Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

Creeds of Christendom (Schaff) [SchCreeds] - Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes, Philip Schaff (3 vols).

Requires SwordSearcher 6.0 or later.

This module contains all three volumes. (The old SSModules set had each volume as a separate module.)

SwordSearcher tab: Books > SchCreeds

Module contents:

1-00 Prefatory
1-01 Preface
1-02 Preface to the Second Edition
1-03 Preface to the Third Edition
1-04 Preface to the Fourth Edition
1-05 Preface to the Sixth Edition
1-06 [Original] Table of Contents
1-07 Additions to the Literature
1-08 Chapter 1. Of Creeds in General
1-09 Name...

Read more about this resource...
Seems to be working now. Are you getting some kind of error message?
No error. I was downloading all the free modules ran across a couple that would time out, this being one of them.

I will try again. God bless.
Thank you Brandon for the work you have done with SS7, I love it and every day I try to learn more of it, I have this set in hard back, thank you for putting it on here to download. Also thanks for helping me on my e-mail problem.

Unfortunately I can't download this. When I click the button "Go to download", it goes back to this page. Can you fix this?

Kind regards,
Fixed! Download should work again.