Exporting Text With Red Lettering In The Bible


Active Member
Hi, since the new update a few months ago, I have been keeping my Swordsearcher program on Dark mode (unless that is a bad idea for during the day - please let me know). I have found however, when I quote from the Gospels (to post verses on another message board), the red lettering messes up my writing there. They do not have anything in the post editor to change the colour of the text, so if I quote anything with red lettering, then my following comments are also in red lettering.

To get rid of this, I went into settings and turned off red lettering, but that didn't seem to solve the issue - then I get weird coloring (or my quoted verses showing up white on a white background). Then I tried keeping "red lettering" but changing the font colour, but then I was still getting weird or "invisible" text.

I personally do not care if I use red lettering in my Bible reading or not - I know when it is Jesus speaking from the context, so it is not that necessary for me. Is part of the issue because I am quoting verses from Dark Mode? Can anyone tell me where I can change my quoted text to just black, regardless of where it is quoted from in the Bible (I assume I need to make sure "red letter"ing is off), but that didn't seem to solve the whole problem. Thanks for any input on this issue.
Check this item. It controls the clipboard export format:

Thank you. I had edited that months back to choose the verse layout, but did not find it recently when I was trying to edit about the red letter font. That should do the trick,