Feedback request: SwordSearcher videos

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
I'm working on a series of videos demonstrating SwordSearcher's features. These videos are generally aimed at new or potential new users of SwordSearcher. So far I've completed two videos. If you have a few minutes, please take a look and let me know what you think:

SwordSearcher Videos

Also, it would be helpful to know which features I should spend time highlighting in videos. Throughout your use of SwordSearcher, which features had the most "wow" for you when you first learned how to use them?

Brandon, that was very interesting brother and very helpful to me.
i can understand more when I am watching videos like these ones, reading what to do can block my brain cells. :?

every blessing.
Great videos! The video screen was a little bigger than my screen, so I had to scroll up and down to see all that you were doing, but other than that, they were very good! (Probably my font sizes are set larger than yours.)

I vote for a video about using the Docking System. It's a wonderful feature as it opens up SwordSearcher and gives me 'elbow room'. Show how docking the Commentaries, Books and Search panels into the middle position on the right leaves the entire left side of the screen for the Bible. Nifty!

Other features that are tops:

Tab Control
Strong's Indexer - finding the Greek or Hebrew words/meanings
Adding and Modifying A Module
Scan Text for Verse References
Image Viewer
Setting a Bookmark

And you might think about making a video to show basic Bible Study techniques for real beginners - not just SwordSearcher beginners.

Every time I go through the features of SwordSearcher, I fall in love with it all over again! Thank you, Brandon, for this marvelous program!
Very good and clear. Interesting to hear your voice.

Marty, the videos fit in the browser window if you maximize the view with f11 (at least on my portable screen).
I'm working on a series of videos demonstrating SwordSearcher's features. These videos are generally aimed at new or potential new users of SwordSearcher. So far I've completed two videos. If you have a few minutes, please take a look and let me know what you think:

Good stuff.
A really great idea Brandon! One of the things I really appreciated when I 'discovered' it was the 'Copy Verse(s) or F5' function. I loved that bit.

Very good and clear. Interesting to hear your voice.

Marty, the videos fit in the browser window if you maximize the view with f11 (at least on my portable screen).

Right you are, Bill! Thank you! I didn't know that! :D

I'm looking forward to the next videos!
Right you are, Bill! Thank you! I didn't know that! :D

I've added the F11 toggle tip to the video page.

Thanks, everyone, for the comments. These videos take a while to put together and polish, but I'll be working on more. When I have a few more done (including a basic overview of SwordSearcher) I'll be linking the video page to the main SwordSearcher pages. Right now the only thing linking to it is this thread.
Thank you Brandon, well done and a great compliment to great software.
Hey Brandon,
Awesome videos. What video program did you use? The clarity and voice are so clear. Can you add yourself in a small video capture window? (ex. lower left or upper right or somewhere on the video screen while you are talking we can see you in real time?
Hey Brandon,
Awesome videos. What video program did you use? The clarity and voice are so clear. Can you add yourself in a small video capture window? (ex. lower left or upper right or somewhere on the video screen while you are talking we can see you in real time?

I'm using Instant Demo. It's a good program.

As for including video of me personally -- I would think that would distract from the software that I am trying to demonstrate. :) Besides, it would add quite a bit to the size of the video stream.
I like the little spreading circles, like rings of water...? for highlighting. Never seen that before. It draws attention to what you are talking about, but it's not way distracting, you know?

I like the sound of you clicking the mouse. For some reason that enhances the tutorial.

I like how you went very slowly. Not too slowly, but just right.

On the narration, inflection, etc., we'll give that an A+, too. For a beginner in SwordSearcher or even new to Bible study, or someone like me who's used it quite a bit but has by no means learned all of the features..

I did learn a couple things myself in the first tutorial, "Basic Bible Searching". That little "quick search" box is more powerful in one way, at least, than the "search Bible" (F2); because if you'll notice, when you spell "savior" in search Bible, you don't get a list of spelling suggestions. I even clicked on "fuzzy searching" and "English stemming," and it still didn't come up with a list of suggestions in a "Word not found" box. I had no idea, so see this kind of video is going to work very well with everyone, I think.

Also, who likes to read a manual? I never have, anyway, and a lot of people I know, too, would just rather dive in and get to work. We miss a lot that way, so a video like this for all parts of SwordSearcher study is a wonderful idea and a great help.

On both videos, well done and thank you, Brandon.

Terri P.
I did learn a couple things myself in the first tutorial, "Basic Bible Searching". That little "quick search" box is more powerful in one way, at least, than the "search Bible" (F2); because if you'll notice, when you spell "savior" in search Bible, you don't get a list of spelling suggestions. I even clicked on "fuzzy searching" and "English stemming," and it still didn't come up with a list of suggestions in a "Word not found" box. I had no idea, so see this kind of video is going to work very well with everyone, I think.

Just FYI, if you click the "use word list" button in the Bible search window, you get a fancy version of the word suggestion. Not only does it show you suggestions based on what you are typing, it also gives you a complete list of words in the Bible to choose from if you like.

I'll be showing off that feature in a more advanced Bible search video later on. ;)

Thanks for your comments!
No, you do not sound funny. It looks and sounds good. Instructions are clear and easy to understand. I've learned some things I did not know. Very instructive. I like it.

Very good and clear. Interesting to hear your voice.

Is interesting a good thing? :)

I always find it funny how we "picture" someone in our minds as looking a certain way. Then when they post a picture/avatar you are proven wrong or somewhat right. And then when we have a picture we automatically put a voice we expect to hear. I think Brandon's matches pretty well on both counts.
I've posted another video. It's a "general overview" and isn't likely to show anything new to you SwordSearcher veterans. :)
No, you do not sound funny. It looks and sounds good. Instructions are clear and easy to understand. I've learned some things I did not know. Very instructive. I like it.

Is interesting a good thing? :)

I always find it funny how we "picture" someone in our minds as looking a certain way. Then when they post a picture/avatar you are proven wrong or somewhat right. And then when we have a picture we automatically put a voice we expect to hear. I think Brandon's matches pretty well on both counts.

I agree. I loved hearing your voice, Brandon! It suits your persona well. Very strong and clear - like you! I hope you know that I'm old enough to be your mama, so I'm not hitting on you...right? :oops: :D

I also am learning things from the videos. Very exciting project!
I've posted another video. It's a "general overview" and isn't likely to show anything new to you SwordSearcher veterans. :)

The best yet, especially for new or prospective users - although, again, I did learn a bunch of new things myself in this video!

And thanks for the tip about "use word list." What a great feature that is!

Not sure I should say this, because I can see you work hard enough for us as it is --- but I'm really looking forward to more videos!

Thanks, Brandon.
I'd like to add another feature to the list for a video - Verse Reference formats. For instance, in one of your videos, you typed a period between chapter and verse instead of a colon. It would be nice to see a video on the other formats accepted by SwordSearcher.

I did learn some things from your latest video! Good job, Brandon! again. ;)