Formatting verses


Active Member
Dear all,

I've started bring works with a lot of verses into Online Bible and using the editor there just for the purpose of formatting bible verses. After OLB formats them I then bring them back in to SS. The # is already in fron of the book. I've also developed a method by using the free utility provided by Theophilos to mark words that are bold, italic and underlined. Then using CTRL H, I can replace the html coding for these things with the coding required by OLB to make them suitable for OLB. I replace <B> and </B> with \\ and replace <I> and </I> with \@. OLB formats verses in bold print - so I just bring (using CTRL L) what OLB does back into MS Word and again search for scripture texts (using the Theophilos tool) in bold. Those verses are then like <B>#Mt 1:6</B> which I then replace <B> with nothing and replace </B> with | - zap, got it.

Yes, it's still work but if you have 800 or 900 texts in something it is well worth the effort it takes to do this IMO.

Is there a way to make brackets [] show up in user-created Bible modules? I.e. can I put in some character in front of the [ or ] that will make Forge realize it's not meant to change the text in the brackets to italics, but to present the actual [ and ] as regular characters?
Is there a way to make brackets [] show up in user-created Bible modules? I.e. can I put in some character in front of the [ or ] that will make Forge realize it's not meant to change the text in the brackets to italics, but to present the actual [ and ] as regular characters?

You might try the ascii codes - & #91 ; for the [, and & #93 ; for the ]. They are html codes and might work in Forge... Don't put spaces between the ampersands and #91 or #93 and the semicolons. When I typed them in here, they came out as brackets, so I had to space them out.
Whoa! That was weird! Took my reply twice and I didn't even hit submit!
Is there a way to make brackets [] show up in user-created Bible modules? I.e. can I put in some character in front of the [ or ] that will make Forge realize it's not meant to change the text in the brackets to italics, but to present the actual [ and ] as regular characters?

Marty's solution should work. I'll add a specific bracket preference option to the Forge to-do list.
Re: Formatting verses-lines of poetry in Bible modules

The work-around for brackets in Bible modules works fine when I put in those characters in the .txt file. THANKS!

Is there a way to put paragraph breaks in verses in a user-formatted Bible module so the verses in books of poetry appear to be poetry, i.e. some sections of a verse on separate lines and (in some cases) indented? This is particularly important for some non-English translations.

Psalms 23:1 (KJV) <<A Psalm of David.>>
The LORD [is] my shepherd;
[tab] I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
[tab] he leadeth me beside the still waters. {green...: Heb. pastures of tender grass} {still...: Heb. waters of quietness}
Is there also a way to format for superscripts in the text file such that the superscript shows up in the footnotes to the Bible verse? I just ran into that, too! :) And how can I put italics in the footnote? (There the brackets come through w/o the ascii codes.)

Maybe there is some internet page that gives these ascii codes that can be used, so I don't have to keep asking you... Thank you!
Forge doesn't support those options in Bible texts. (You can do whatever you want with HTML for Book and Commentary modules, though.) As the Forge documentation says, the supported import format is required to be verse-per-line and without formatting. As some people have found, you can sort of force some things with HTML coding in the verses, but I don't recommend this, because it's not guaranteed to work moving forward, and causes problems with indexing and searching.

The one thing you can do is footnotes. Again, this isn't really supported with Forge right now, but should work:

In your source text, add this line to the beginning of the file, before any verses:


Then, in your verses, enclose footnote text {like this} (with curly braces) where it goes inside the verse. Forge should parse out the footnote text and show it as a superscripted letter, with the text in the margin area.