links syntax in user modules


Beta Tester
I often put links in my user modules.

Example (when editing a user module in code edit mode): <a href="swordsearcher://bible+kjv/Ge 1.1">Gen 1:1 KJV</a>

I assume you have to repeat that if you want to put in a link to two different Bible modules, right? E.g., I'd often like to put in something like KJV and TR and have the verse from each one pop up in the popover. Is there any way to do that?

Like this: <a href="swordsearcher://bible+kjv;+bible+tr/Ge 1.1">Gen 1:1 KJV, TR</a>
OK, I thought I was again asking for something beyond the normal. :) Thank you for letting me know.

What about this: Is there a way to search two Bible modules at once? I.e., I want to find all instances where KJV has "a certain English word" and TR has "a certain Greek/Hebrew word" in the same verse or within a range of verses. Currently, I would like to find every instance in the KJV where the word εφη in the TR is translated as "saith" (not "said"). At this point I can search the TR for εφη and then visually scan the 39 verses in the KJV to see which way they appear. Since the KJVSL/KJV uses the base forms, not the inflected forms of the words, it does not help, except to tell me where the base form of εφη G5346 also occurs with "saith". But then I have to look back and see if they are all εφη (the inflected form). I get 5 verses when I search for "g5346 saith" in KJV, so that does narrow it down a lot. In fact, only one of them has εφη and "saith" and that's Mt 17:26, the verse I'm studying at the moment and which made me want to search deeper.

So I guess my suggestion or request is that perhaps it be possible to search by listing the Bible modules you want to search (say another field in Proximity Search where you can type in module abbreviations or select from a list). Or maybe it could be in the Normal Search tab.
You can search more than one module at a time with the Full Library Search, but there isn't a way to make one module include verses that don't match the search (but which do match in a different module).

It's pretty easy to do a search through one Bible module and then change the verse list results to display in a different module, but it's not possible to do a search in the KJV that also includes verses if they match in a different module, which is what you are asking for.
If you set up KJV as your compare version, this will work by showing both next to each other in a verselist window:

<a href="swordsearcher://verselist+tr/Gen 1:1"> TR, KJV</a>