New Module


Beta Tester
I converted the public domain Webster's 1913 Unabridged Dictionary to SS5book format. It has 99000 definitions with about 4000 Bible references linked to SS. I also gave Brandon the source files to use as he sees fit. You can download the ss5book at the following link for the next 2 weeks.

If someone wants to put the download on a more permanent hosting service, that is fine with me. If you have any comments or find any link errors (there will be some), let me know and I'll correct them. I find this to be a very useful dictionary. The download is a 25 megabyte zip file containing 2 modules - A-J and K-Z. Put them in the \my documents\SwordSearcher User Modules\ directory.

It is available at the following site for 2 weeks:
I converted the public domain Webster's 1913 Unabridged Dictionary to SS5book format. It has 99000 definitions with about 4000 Bible references linked to SS. I also gave Brandon the source files to use as he sees fit. You can download the ss5book at the following link for the next 2 weeks.

If someone wants to put the download on a more permanent hosting service, that is fine with me. If you have any comments or find any link errors (there will be some), let me know and I'll correct them. I find this to be a very useful dictionary. The download is a 25 megabyte zip file containing 2 modules - A-J and K-Z. Put them in the \my documents\SwordSearcher User Modules\ directory.

It is available at the following site for 2 weeks:

Bill that's great, however that's also HUGE. If I can't get to the library where I can d/l with dsl speed, any chance you could make a cd for a donation?

I will try to get to the library, though, first.
WOW. Thanks Bill.

Is this a more extensive version that what is in SS5??

God bless
Bro. Mike
Is this a more extensive version that what is in SS5??

It has more words and Bible references. It retains the usefulness of defining KJV words plus it's 85 years newer than the 1828. It's available in online form at

and the basis for Wordnet at

The nice thing about using it in SS is that links show up in the Bible window when a definition of a word references that verse. That sort of turns it into a nice commentary on those passages. The 1828 version does not have the verse references linked to SS.
Thanks for the info, Bill.

Looking forward to DL'ing it tonight.

God bless
Bro. Mike
It has more words and Bible references. It retains the usefulness of defining KJV words plus it's 85 years newer than the 1828.

The nice thing about using it in SS is that links show up in the Bible window when a definition of a word references that verse. That sort of turns it into a nice commentary on those passages. The 1828 version does not have the verse references linked to SS.

That is nice and useful! Thanks!
I wish to say thanks too, Bill. It's enroute right now and I'll check it out tonight.

'Preciate it!

Here's a weird thing: After you install the new dictionary, go to Romans 10:8 and double click on the word "mouth," or "preach." The dictionary opens to

Webster's 1913 Unabridged Dictionary
Jymold /Jym old/ (jm ld), a. [Obs.] See Gimmal.

It doesn't mean anything to me. Is this some mysterious thing I don't understand or is there an error in the dictionary? :shock: If you click on "heart," the dictionary opens to Heart. Most of the other words don't. I was going to edit the book, but it's not available for editing.
It doesn't mean anything to me. Is this some mysterious thing I don't understand or is there an error in the dictionary? :shock: If you click on "heart," the dictionary opens to Heart. Most of the other words don't. I was going to edit the book, but it's not available for editing.

I think what you're seeing is due to the fact that the module is in two volumes (which is necessary due to its size), and SwordSearcher isn't switching automatically between the modules as need depending on the word. It tries to locate the closest match in the module that is active.

There is automatic volume handling for the Webster 1828 dictionary already included in SwordSearcher. I will probably find a way to work it in for other (third-party) multi-volume sets in the future.
SwordSearcher isn't switching automatically between the modules

A partial workaround for this until Brandon makes a programming change is to keep the 1828 dictionary as the default book. When you 2-click a word, it will look it up in the correct 1828 module (A-J or K-Z). Then switch over to the highlighted 1913 module to see the entry in that dictionary.

OR, you could preselect the appropriate 1913 module before you 2-click the word. Not as convenient as having one large index but a lot better than going to the bookshelf for a dictionary.
Whew! I thought I was losing it! :) Thank you both for the info!
Thanks Bill.

DL'd and installed this evening. Looks and works great!!

Thanks again and God bless
Bro. Mike
That's really nice of you Jerry.

I got to the library today and d/l'd the files no problem. Haven't quite installed them yet.

Seems to be working fine here, too.