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User-submitted Paul's Exclusive Words Used in Hebrews 1.1
Did Paul write Hebrews?

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wsbones submitted a new module:

Paul's Exclusive Words Used in Hebrews - Did Paul write Hebrews?

In addition to other arguments, if one makes 3 sets of words from KJV text:

Set 1 includes all the words that appear in the Bible between Genesis through Acts plus those in James through Revelation. These words are Bible words used by the various Bible authors. For the moment leave Paul's writings and the author of Hebrews out of consideration.

Set 2 include all the words that appear in Romans through Philemon. These are the words of Paul and may...

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wsbones updated Paul's Exclusive Words Used in Hebrews with a new update entry:

Paul's Exclusive Words and 3 Word Phases

Did Paul write Hebrews?

v 1.1 Update 12/31/2017: The same type of analysis below is added for 3 word phrases used exclusively by Paul in Romans through Philemon that are also used in Hebrews but nowhere else in the Bible.
WSB 7/22/2017 - original module v 1.0
In addition to arguments made elsewhere by others, if one makes 3 sets of words from KJV text:

Set 1 includes all the words that appear in the Bible between Genesis through Acts plus...

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