Problem creating Calvin's Institutes??????


Active Member

I am almost through with Calvin's Institutes of The Christian Religion but got some last minute problems that I hope someone can help me out with.

I created this using Forge. When I try to make corrections on some of the sections of it I can only correct them if I look at the Raw HTML. Much of it I can correct using WYSIWYG but certain ones cannot be edited that way.

Has anyone any suggestions about what may be the trouble?

In the process of trying to solve this problem I put SwordSearcher on another drive on my computer. The user created modules refuse to work anywhere except from the C:\Documents and Settings\Regie\My Documents\User Created Modules. I tried moving those to the new drive also but never could get it to work.

Thanks much,
Hello Regie

I believe that the locations that SS5 retrieves user created modules is:

/program files/SwordSearcher 5/modules (used for globally available modules)
/program files/SwrodSearcher 5/user (I know this worked in SS4, but not sure about 5)
/documents and settings/regie/my documents/user created modules (user specific modules)

I do not think there is any way to modify these default locations.

Hope this helps