Reporting typographical errors


Beta Tester
The more I use SwordSearcher, the more I like it! Thanks, Brandon!

I am wondering if there is an accepted method to report any typographical errors found in SwordSearcher modules (obviously just the ones supplied by SS). I have encountered a neat program on websites (unfortunately only in Russian, that I can tell; it's you highlight the text with the error in it and press Ctrl-Enter and it sends the erroneous text and some context to whatever address the webpage author designated. Maybe something like that within SS would be a help?

P.S. I think "hie" in the Strong's Hebrew word 892 should be "hide"; that's what made me think of this.
I have noticed one error in Strong's (that I can remember seeing, though cannot remember what entry it was in). As far as "hie" goes, that is not an error - but is how Strong's Concordance has it.

Webster's gives this definition of hie:
HIE, v.i.
1. To hasten; to move or run with haste; to go in haste; a word chiefly used in poetry.
The youth, returning to his mistress, hies.
2. With the reciprocal pronoun; as, hie thee home.

HIE, n. Haste; diligence.
So in the definition: "to hie for refuge" means to hasten or run with haste to refuge - ie. flee for refuge to the Lord (as the context would indicate).
For typo errors, just send me an email. I filter those reports into a folder for my future attention. I'd prefer that the forums not be used to report minor typo errors, as I doubt that is of general interest to forum browsers.

Jerry: Thanks! Never even occurred to me! :idea: Guess I've got a long way to go before I'll know the king's English!

Brandon: Thanks for the info. I didn't think the forum was the place, either, and as it turns out, there was no need.