SS Column References Like in the KJV Bible


New Member
Is there a way to link all of the references like in a reference bible to take you from scripture passage to another? Like the center or outer columns work in a Bible to be able to see what scripture references another and vice versa? If not this would be a great benefit for all that use SS. Thanks and God Bless...
Is there a way to link all of the references like in a reference bible to take you from scripture passage to another? Like the center or outer columns work in a Bible to be able to see what scripture references another and vice versa? If not this would be a great benefit for all that use SS. Thanks and God Bless...

Not exactly. I would suggest using the TSK commentary module as a cross-reference module (or the Thompson Chain book module, for a more topic-oriented cross-reference).

Thank you for your feedback.
Not exactly. I would suggest using the TSK commentary module as a cross-reference module (or the Thompson Chain book module, for a more topic-oriented cross-reference).

Thank you for your feedback.

While I love the Thompson system -- as a new Christian I grew up on it -- I have come to appreciate the TSK for it's cross-reference value. For my money, that's the best book to use for this purpose. And it's great that you can now set that as your comm. pref..
Why is it that KJV bibles of the same publisher reference different scriptures? Is there not one set of references or a list somewhere that list them all? Even the TSK does not list all or the same that others do? It would be nice to just have one final and done list without question.
Is this possible and does it exist?
Is this possible and does it exist?

No such thing exists. A set of cross-references is by nature commentary, so they vary widely. SwordSearcher contains several commentaries with lots of cross-references, and the Verse Guide also helps in that regard.

But there is no single standard. I have considered creating a cross-reference "only" feature for the margin area, but that begs the question -- what source do I use for the cross-references?
What if you made a cross-reference module that we could add our own references to. That would be helpful as we study various passages (I add references in the margins of my Bible and in the spaces at the end of some verses). It would be convenient to add them to the program as well, without necessarily putting them in a Commentary module - a feature you could turn on or off, like the footnotes or commentary/book links.
I like the ideas very much. I really want us to pull together a great list of cross-references of scripture to scripture and that way we are preapred and on the same page so to speak. Many non-christians use this against us. We must be prepared for all walks of life to be able to share God's Holy Word and get to the scriptures quickly by computer or in a book. I would love to see a printable reference sheet to add to my bible as well.

It is just ashame that as Christians we seem to not be on the same page and it really just perturbs me greatly. All of these false religions, cults and occults seem to have their act together sharing lies when we should have our act together sharing the one and only Truth. We should be like the King that kept his castle in order and won a woman to the Lord just by being so well organized. I speak of myself as well needing to be better organized. :arrow:Holy Spirit help us with this task I pray in Jesus name A-men.

PS. How do I learn how to create and share a module to create one big scripture to scritpure reference with everyone else and for SS?

What I am thinking of doing is adding the option to display the content of one of the commentaries in the margin next to the Bible text. This could be used to create a cross-reference set and have it display right next to the verses.
PS. How do I learn how to create and share a module to create one big scripture to scritpure reference with everyone else and for SS?


If you go to "User" in the SwordSearcher menu, you'll find "Create New User Commentary" and "Create New User Book." Click on either of these to create your module.

As for sharing the module with everyone else, you just need to post it on a website and let everyone know where it is available, or let people email you so you can send it as an attachment. Sharing email addresses can be kind of dicey, so posting it on a website is the best option. Sometimes another forum user will kindly post it on their website for you.

Get busy creating your user modules! :) Help in SwordSearcher has step-by-step instructions.