Recent content by dyoung707

  1. D

    es2f: e-Sword to Forge (to SwordSearcher) Converter

    OK thanks Brandon, I'm not too computer literate. What would be the easiest way to get the older bible files? If I installed say e-sword ver6 would it mess up my latest update?
  2. D

    es2f: e-Sword to Forge (to SwordSearcher) Converter

    Brandon, I am trying to convert an e-sword bible mod using es2f, bur keep getting error message "Can not find database", when I go to the program(e-sword) and click on the .bblx file. What am I doing wrong? I'm using Windows7
  3. D

    works by Kenneth wuest

    has anyone been able to find kenneth wuest's commentaries to convert to a user book?
  4. D

    Genesis to Revelation Bible Course

    :wink: That worked when I moved it to the user mod. What's weird though is when I would download it to save in SS module folder, popup said it was already there, but I could not find it?? Anyway thanks for the help.
  5. D

    Genesis to Revelation Bible Course

    I have 6.2 version. Will do and let you know. By the way, Your program is the BEST Bible program I've ever encountered! I really enjoy it and use it often.
  6. D

    Genesis to Revelation Bible Course

    I put in in the modules folder with the other books. The file is there but id doesent even show in the library pull down? Thanks for your help
  7. D

    Genesis to Revelation Bible Course

    I was able to download it but the tab does not show in the books ? I placed it in the module folder?