Recent content by Regie

  1. Regie

    Style and Format Cleaner

    When I use the style and format cleaner, is there a way I can have it setup such that it will not format it as Candara, Medium? I want the finished product to be XLarge. Surely there must be a way to set it up to do that. HELP.
  2. Regie

    Formatting problem

    It does, so I guess I either have to do that line by line or have to format it like I have been doing. I have discovered that if I separate the paragraphs first, that it does the formatting in a more easily workable method. Does it sound like I am on the right path? Thanks.
  3. Regie

    Formatting problem

    It shows as being epub - does that make sense? Thank you much. MGB.
  4. Regie

    Formatting problem

    After I did this chapter in the new module I am working on, I am noticing that it does not fill the full width of the book view. I have just now experimented with separating the paragraphs of a new module and then going into formatting it. It kept the paragraph separations and formatted the...
  5. Regie

    Blocked from editing

    Thanks to all of you for answering. I got it finally. MGB.
  6. Regie

    Blocked from editing

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\SwordSearcher\Modules\PB.ss5cmty" was opened but in read-only mode. This is a user-editable module, but could not be opened in write mode. Got any suggestions on what I can do at this point? Thanks. Regie
  7. Regie

    Blocked from editing

    Hello, I had computer problems and had to get some modules back from my pastor. Two of them will not let me edit them at all and I have not discovered how to get that problem solved. When I attempt to edit it, this is what I get: Editing functions are disabled for...
  8. Regie

    Gill Commentary

    HA - What a joke. At the end of 2024 I still have not done it. duh!
  9. Regie

    User-submitted Joseph Charles Philpot sermons

    Well, I tried again just now and I got it. :)
  10. Regie

    User-submitted Joseph Charles Philpot sermons

    I got a new computer and now I cannot get this downloaded.
  11. Regie

    Bible Module Footnotes

    I don't know or do not know what it is if I do. Thanks much. MGB.
  12. Regie

    Bible Module Footnotes

    I think I see now. As far as I know, I have never made a new bible module - only books or commentaries.
  13. Regie

    Bible Module Footnotes

    On the USER tab, just click to CREATE USER BOOK or CREATE USER COMMENTARY. You then type in NEW TITLE and NEW ABBREVIATION. Then a little window pops up for me to select which module sets should include this library module. Next you begin by clicking on "add new entry."
  14. Regie

    Bible Module Footnotes

    Maybe I have misunderstood you somehow. I make modules all the time without using Forge. Are there others that do so too?
  15. Regie

    Bible Module Footnotes

    How (or can you) add footnotes when you are not using Forge?