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Included Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible [Clarke] [Deluxe]
Clarke's well-known Bible commentary.

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible [Clarke] [Deluxe] - Clarke's well-known Bible commentary.

"Clarke became a Methodist in 1778, and was in a succession an exhorter, local preacher, and regular preacher. His first circuit was that of Bradford, Wiltshire, to which he was appointed in 1782. He served in various places and traveled throughout Great Britain, achieving fame as a preacher, and being president of the British Conference in 1806, 1814, and 1822."

SwordSearcher tab: Commentaries > Clarke
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Brandon, does Swordsearcher (or this website) have the General Introduction to Adam's Clarke's Commentary On The Whole Bible? I was reading a book by someone and they quoted it, but I can't seem to find it within the module or program itself. I wouldn't mind reading it if it is available somewhere.
I don't see that in my source files, sorry.
@Brandon Staggs - So is to replace what we already have... Or am I missing something?
I don't understand, sorry.

I haven't seen Clarke's General Introduction and it's not part of the SwordSearcher module nor is it in my source data for the module.
I don't understand, sorry.

I haven't seen Clarke's General Introduction and it's not part of the SwordSearcher module nor is it in my source data for the module.
Oh Wow! I was responding to a 2013 post and JUST NOW realized it!

Out of the loop...