Links to pdf pages

Pastor Langley

Active Member
Many of you can do these htings, I am trying to learn it.
My notes from Forum:
To display from Assets (Images or PDF’s) folders use this command
<A href="file:///{ModuleAssets}/file.pdf">name</A> - This opens a pdf, I can do this.
What I want to do.
Open to a certain
(place, chapter, section, or paragraph, like a footnote I guess) place in a pdf file.
<A HREF="file:///[ModuleAssetts]/.pdf#page=4"> - this is not working for me.

The footnote code may be what I need.
From wsbones module [Jos] Josephus
Works of Josephus
000 Preface to Antiquities of the Jews
This code takes you to footnote <A name=EndNote_Ant_Pre.1a>&nbsp;</A> <A href="#EndNote_Ant_Pre.1b">(1)</A>
This code returns you to footnote <A name=EndNote_Ant_Pre.1b>&nbsp;</A> <A href="#EndNote_Ant_Pre.1a">(1)</A>
Can you go from an "entry" to "another entry" in the same Book Module, I guess is my correct question?
I am going to try the above method but was wondering how to go from one entry to another entry. The above examples is all in the same entry.
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Can you go from an "entry" to "another entry" in the same Book Module, I guess is my correct question?
Yes. The editor has a built-in function for doing this on the Insert menu. You may want to do that and then take a look in the code editor to see how the link was created. You can add a #anchor to the link if you have created anchor tags in the target entry.
<A HREF="file:///[ModuleAssetts]/.pdf#page=4"> - this is not working for me.
That won't work because the file link opens a non-html file on your computer. The #anchor is not relevant in such a case if the file isn't an html file.

As far as I know, there is no way to encode a link to a specific location in a pdf file through an html file link.
Thank you! My hope is to link to other entries [as an exact location like footnotes] throughout a module. If I converted the pdf's to html, are you saying that would then be possible?
Thank you! My hope is to link to other entries [as an exact location like footnotes] throughout a module. If I converted the pdf's to html, are you saying that would then be possible?
You can do it for entries that are part of your module. External content with file links will not provide such functionality as far as I know.
Ok thanks.