[Full Library Search] SwordSearcher Book Modules searches

Pastor Langley

Active Member
[Full Library Search] in reference to these two search criteria (Search set of modules:) (Search single modules:)
Was wondering how SwordSearcher handles our "copy/paste" and our mistyped words. While in Bible Study I have run across my errors, more than I wanted to see. I must confess I have not used the SwordSearcher's editor F7 Spelling Check like I should. Getting better.
Using the [Full Library Search] does SS find that exact copied text or will it not find it if mispelled or not seperated as in example?
Example below:
(BillySunday Speaks [New York: Chelsea House, 1970], p. 23).
. Knowing the historical backgroundofthe text also enriches your understanding.
Assuming we do not know it is mispelled or a typo?
You can turn on fuzzy matching if you want to broaden the matches to include "close" matches.

That said, it's not going to find the word "love" if you typed "lovethisverse" etc.
You can turn on fuzzy matching if you want to broaden the matches to include "close" matches.

That said, it's not going to find the word "love" if you typed "lovethisverse" etc.
Thanks. It is amazing to see that I can search "all" of the content, Individual books, etc. This was an area that I have been weak in. I have been clicking boxes away and reading HELP. Which seems to be Johnny's 1st Choice. Ha! Guess we all need to do these things. If I changes have been made and we want to revert back to SS install settings, is there a GO-BACK button or a reset to default settings, for SwordSearcher? Or just re-install program?
Thanks. It is amazing to see that I can search "all" of the content, Individual books, etc. This was an area that I have been weak in. I have been clicking boxes away and reading HELP. Which seems to be Johnny's 1st Choice. Ha! Guess we all need to do these things. If I changes have been made and we want to revert back to SS install settings, is there a GO-BACK button or a reset to default settings, for SwordSearcher? Or just re-install program?
Re-installing doesn't remove your settings, I wouldn't want everyone to have to start over from scratch with every update.

There's no one-click "start over," just look through your settings and set them how you want them to be. File, Preferences.

You can revert most of your settings to a previous date by going to File, Save/Load/Restore Settings.

Full Library Search checkboxes are not part of settings and will all revert to default every time you start SwordSearcher.
Ya I see your point. Great News Thank you so much. My only real settings are OneDrive, Module Sets and Output of Scripture. I rarely use Dark Mode, Background Color, etc. All default settings is fine for me. :cool: