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Dr Lee Roberson - Second Coming of CHRIST

Dr Lee Roberson - Second Coming of CHRIST ver. 1.0 corrected version
Dr. Lee Roberson Preaching on The Return of Christ

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It was my privilege to hear these sermons and many more, personally at the Sword of The Lord and Pastor's School back in the 1990's. Dr. Roberson was one of my favorite preachers. Not only did he preach well, you listened to him when he spoke of Christ and His return. Hope you enjoy.
Pastor Langley

All of these sermons, with the exception of the last two, were preached in the midweek prayer services of the Highland Park Baptist Church. I make no claim for original thought in these messages, but desire to present the plain Word of GOD to the hearts of everyday people. It will be noted that some truths are repeated over and over again for the sake of emphasis.

In the more than fourteen years that I have been the pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church I have preached repeatedly the second coming of CHRIST. GOD has blessed the giving of this truth to our people. Literally thousands have been brought to the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

It is my prayer that many will read these simple messages and begin to live fully and eagerly, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus“!
Lee Roberson
Highland Park Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee

17 Sermons on the Second Coming of CHRIST

1. Are We Foolish to Look for the Second Coming of CHRIST?
2. Will the Lost and Saved Stand in the Same Judgment?
3. Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?
4. What Happens in the Great Tribulation
5. Who Is the Antichrist?
6. The Mark of the Beast, or the Work of the Unholy Trinity
7. Two Pictures of His Coming
8. The Man on the White Horse
9. The Battle of Armageddon
10. The Devilin Chains
11. When Wars and Atom Bombs Will Be No More
12. When Satan Goes to His Eternal Abode
13. The Last Judgment
14. The New Heaven and the New Earth
15. The Last Prayer in the Bible
16. This Present Age
17. The Christian's Watchword
Pastor Langley
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