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God's Chosen Fast - Arthur Wallis

God's Chosen Fast - Arthur Wallis Ver. 1.0
A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Fasting.

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God’s Chosen Fast
Arthur Wallis offers this balanced study on fasting, and seeks to give to the subject the weight that Scripture gives it while also avoiding exaggeration and over-emphasis. This book includes a biblical index, and an appendix dealing with the textual problems surrounding four references to fasting in the New Testament.

Arthur Wallis - Quotes

“God is not merely concerned with what we do but why we do it. A right act may be robbed of all its value in the sight of God if it is done with a wrong motive.”
― Arthur Wallis, God's Chosen Fast

“If you have been brought low through personal defeat; if there is a call in your soul to a deeper purifying, to a renewed consecration; if there is the challenge of some new task for which you feel ill-equipped—then it is time to inquire of God whether He would not have you separate yourself unto Him in fasting.”
― Arthur Wallis, God's Chosen Fast

“Matthew Henry said, "When God intends great mercy for His people, He sets them apraying." Indeed, when God wants anything accomplished in His Kingdom, He moves men to pray. God is always the initiator. All effectual prayer was moving in the heart of God before ever it began to move in the heart of man. What Kepler said as he unlocked the secrets of the heavens, could well be said by the man who prays in the Spirit: "O God, I am thinking Thy thoughts after Thee.”
― Arthur Wallis, Pray in the Spirit

“When we fast, how long we fast, the nature of the fast and the spiritual objectives we have before us are all God’s choice, to which the obedient disciple gladly responds.”
― Arthur Wallis, God's Chosen Fast
Pastor Langley
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Deep Deep Deep study on fast..... very good!
Pastor Langley
Pastor Langley
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