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The Golden Key - Ben M. Bogard

The Golden Key - Ben M. Bogard ver. 1.0
The Golden Key Bible Study

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"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. " bogart_tn.jpg

1868 -1951​

Founder, Instructor, and First President of The Missionary Baptist Institute and Seminary of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Little Rock, Arkansas.

This book is the fruit of over fifty years of teaching and preaching. The principles of Bible interpretation set forth were taught to students of the Missionary Baptist Institute and Seminary before being printed in a book. That the Golden Key has had a wide circulation is evidenced by this 9th printing. It is in popular demand by pastors, teachers, and lay students of the Word of God.

The autnor, though dead, continues to instruct his readers in "the way of God more perfectly." It is my prayer that this book will bless you as it has blessed me and thousands of others who have read it.

Paul Goodwin
President, Missionary
Baptist Institute and Seminary

This book is a series of Bible lectures explaining the chart which you will find in the back of the book. The history of the chart is of interest. Itis the creation of Ben M. Bogard. He was nearly forty years completing it as he taught the Bible. He at first wrote the main features of the chart on a blackboard. He invited criticism, insisting that questions be asked concerning it, so that all errors might be omitted. These criticisms and questions resulted in the chart. The author thinks this chart is a certain method of understanding the Scriptures. It has been used since the beginning of the life of the Missionary Baptist Seminary and was acknowledged by Dr. J. Louis Guthrie as being "foolproof." With some suggestions from Dr. Paul Goodwin, it has been reduced to its present form, which is almost as it was written by the author, since only minor changes were made because of the criticisms and suggestions.
The student is urged to really study the chart. When he thinks he has mastered it, it will be best for him to go over it again, and he is almost certain to see something that escaped him at the first reading. As he continues to study it, he will find it grows on him, for he will find new ideas each time he reviews it. In fact, itis intended to be a lifetime study.
The chart is the basis of everything taught in the Missionary Baptist Seminary. Learning the chart is compulsory with all who would win a diploma from the Missionary Baptist Seminary. It is a general analysis of the Bible. The method found in it will enable the student to analyze any passage in the Bible because the same method that applies to the Bible as a whole will apply to any book in the Bible and also to any passage in the Bible.
The student may be startled to learn that much of what we know as the Bible does not apply to us in this age. For instance, when God told Adam and Eve to dress the Garden of Eden and keep it, certainly, that does not apply to us, but only to Adam and Eve. When God told Noah to build the Ark, and told him how to build it, certainly, that applies only to Noah. This is so with numerous other passages of Scripture. We may learn some valuable historical lessons from such passages but we are not expected to do what the passages say do.
A good question to ask each time we read the Bible is: Does the passage apply to me? Is the Lord speaking to me in this passage? Possibly, the most misleading idea people have is to think that when they open the Bible, no matter what passage they read, it applies to them, for they think all the Bible applies to them. This is not true. For instance, when God told Abraham to offer up Isaac, his son, as a sacrifice, certainly that does not apply to any of us. It applies to Abraham only. Once the student gets this idea firmly fixed in his mind, he will automatically stop and think and ask himself the question: "Does this passage apply to me?" This is the first step with the student to a right understanding of the Bible. The chart is intended to show him how he may know to whom the passage is directed-to know to whom the Lord is talking.
Pastor Langley
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