Search results

  1. Johnny NL

    Moving commentary entries to a different module

    I do use it a lot.... same topic, different verse, so I make one note (commentary) with all the details/ref/inserts/etc, and then use "copy all", and set it for every verse of "that" same topic. and it works just dandy, i must say. When all my verses are tagged with the new "cat tool", BAM ! all...
  2. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    The expression: "tag along", has a full new meaning for me now.....lolllll 😁
  3. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    I just "RE"write the word from note at the top of my note's panel with"cat"..... so they are always handy.....;) I love that tool!
  4. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    Amen SIR !!! thank you for this module. SO appreciated!
  5. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    This is REALLY nice..... will be taggin' from now on..... Love it, thank you very much. PS: how can we add words to the list?
  6. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    Loll..... Nevermind, I should practice what I say. F1, got it now..... just a brain freeze, sorry. F1 is THE WAY !
  7. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    Hi Sir... would you have a quick reminder "how to" for the code editor, in order to change the "_NOTE" into the commentary's name. Thanks
  8. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words

    Oooooh..... NICE ! ! ! ! ! Thank you so much Sir.
  9. Johnny NL

    "Get 'em Done" Stickies for SwordSearcher

    + a LARGE selection of colors........lollll MAN ! ! ! arrrrrren't we demanding ? this would be "THE" feature..... and also in the "widgets", could we have one as a "cup of coffee" ? (yes... 😝 I do have a note file, just for the coffee time.)
  10. Johnny NL


    Did someone say SwordSearcher 10 is coming ? . . . Lol...😁
  11. Johnny NL


    There are SO MANY features in the SwordSearcher 9 ! ! ! ! Amen Lord ! (don't forget F1 for help and infos) ________________ What's New in SwordSearcher 9 Dark mode interface option added! With a click of one button, you can switch between light and dark color modes. The new dark mode has...
  12. Johnny NL

    Faster Bible verse locator

    Here some: F1-Apendix-keyboard shortcuts Appendix: Keyboard Shortcuts Here is a list of the keyboard shortcuts SwordSearcher's main user interface responds to. This is not a comprehensive list of SwordSearcher's functions, just...
  13. Johnny NL

    maximizing square is missing on individual panels ?

    9 has SO MANY great features.... ;)
  14. Johnny NL

    maximizing square is missing on individual panels ?

    If you want a "custom layout" you cannot "uncheck" it after to keep it. Try this set up and see.
  15. Johnny NL

    maximizing square is missing on individual panels ?

    Check settings in preferences from: File/preferences/layout options...
  16. Johnny NL

    Words of Christ

    Mmmfmfm...... good question !
  17. Johnny NL

    User-submitted Big Picture Bible Study Materials

    Amen Amen Amen.....
  18. Johnny NL

    Getting Started with SwordSearcher Questions

    . . . I do picture Paul, walking with his laptop under his arm, with SwordSearcher asking Mr. Staggs for certain features. . . Paul saying; Yo Bro Staggs, can we do this ? ? ? 😁 . . . I need to cut down coffee.... lollll ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕
  19. Johnny NL

    How do I find the word count?

    Just to let you know Mr. Staggs, the word count works perfectly with my french Bible "Ostervald" too. Never had such a feature for that french Bible. This is awesome greatly. I didn't think it would work, but it is 100% effective. Thanks.