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  1. B

    Willmington's Guide to the Bible Module...

    Please also send me the link for Wilmington's if possible. Thanks!
  2. B

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    Just to throw in my two sense here... I use Obsidian as my main notes manager, SS for the study part. OB has a good customizable android app (also apple), although not with specified Bible features, so I had to make that on my own. For audiobooks I us the Android App T2S which is free and uses...
  3. B

    "Obsidian" with SwordSearcher?

    Yes, wonderful resources! The most important thing though is putting out what God has already given you so the lost world can benefit from the word and salvation in Christ Jesus will spread to those whom Christ died for! Proper balance between study and preaching is a must. We are running out of...
  4. B

    "Obsidian" with SwordSearcher?

    Yes, very useful! I am building a cyclopedic index of sorts as well. I have it broken up as: 1. Verse by verse studies 2. Expository word studies 3. Principle "tags" (or word entries) You can also make "block quotes" to quote reference material (like church history) so I add books to my database...
  5. B

    "Obsidian" with SwordSearcher?

    I use the SS tools to study and then put my findings in Ob. From there I can connect links together for words, definitions, tags used for principles, word studies, etc. I put together a full Ob Vault with one entry per verse and then a separate folder (same vault) with all of the word studies...
  6. B

    "Obsidian" with SwordSearcher?

    Yes, I am using it right now this morning. Switched from OneNote because ON has some instabilities in it and is not as flexible as obsidian. Also Ob makes smaller text files that are easier to manage and they are in the common format of Markdown. Great study help to use with SS!
  7. B

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    Hello, Does anybody know how to convert SS modules to MySword (Android App)? The app itself does much of the same that say, SS, E-Sword, TheWord would do, only in a phone/tablet format. Not quite as powerful (are they ever?), but still very useful when I'm on the go. I know that E-sword and...
  8. B

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    I believe the best way to do SS for mobile is to design it similar to the Logos Bible app. They have separate windows for "Topic Guide" and "Search" and "Bible view" plus "Notes." All it takes is a swipe and you can see any of those windows. To have mobile access to notes and the search...