Search results

  1. TerriP

    User-submitted Big Picture Bible Study Materials

    Okay, that file folder "C:\Users\Terri\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules" is empty. My files are in this folder: C:\Users\Terri\OneDrive\Pictures\PICTURES 2\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules So the BPS101-Assets and the BPS101.ss5book I copied and pasted the zip file to that first folder...
  2. TerriP

    User-submitted Big Picture Bible Study Materials

    Okay, I downloaded it into the same folder all my other ssbooks are, unzipped it, but when I open SS I don't see it under books. What am I doing wrong?!! Thank you.
  3. TerriP

    Keyboard Toggle for KJV-TSK refrence results list panel

    By the way - nice Word cloud :)
  4. TerriP

    User-submitted Grandmother's Bible

    Thanks, Marty, these are really nice!
  5. TerriP

    Net Based SwordSearcher

    Okay, no one asked for my opinion, as humble as it may be, but this is a "forum" platform by design so here goes. And certainly no offense to Gord, Smiley, and Monteu above, however... it seems to me that Brandon Staggs, the designer and administrator of this forum, has his hands more than full...
  6. TerriP

    User-submitted 1001 Handy Scripture References - © Pastor James L. Melton 1998

    I knew that :rolleyes: Thanks, Brandon. Oh, and I notice if I click on the html link you have there, Bill, it comes up real nice and I printed that to pdf, so I can have it outside of SS, too, which is also handy. Neat, thanks again!
  7. TerriP

    User-submitted 1001 Handy Scripture References - © Pastor James L. Melton 1998

    I tried to save it in SwordSearcher/Modules and it says I don't have permission to save it there. So sorry, I know I go through this every time.
  8. TerriP

    People and Places

    That is so NEAT! Copied and pasted to Word, with your name on it. Thank you!
  9. TerriP

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    Blessed am I, indeed, Johnny NL, Blessed Blessed Blessed - isn't it amazing (a huge understatement) how many times a day you can say thank You, Lord, thank You, thank You, thank You, I mean from your heart to be so very grateful... and still, does it cover it all, or even a little microscopic...
  10. TerriP

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    Dear Brandon! Thank you so much, I feel so much better! So now it comes out of the box and I'm all set. Thank you as always for your support. I logged in and checked for a reply from you just about the same time you posted it, but I was on the phone with my daughter (we were happy for me...
  11. TerriP

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    Okay, this is what I bought, at Best Buy two days ago: Microsoft - Surface Book 2-in-1 13.5" Touch-Screen Laptop - Intel Core i5 - 8GB Memory - 256GB Solid State Drive Microsoft Office 365 Personal Webroot SecureAnywhere IS So all I want to know is, can I purchase then download the latest...
  12. TerriP

    Mobile SwordSearcher?

    I am thinking just get a Surface Pro. They look pretty nice, light weight, plus I can also load up SwordSearcher plus all my Microsoft Excel, Word, QuickBooks Pro, etc., that's all I need. I will be heading to the Big City where there's a Microsoft store or maybe a Best Buy or some place...
  13. TerriP

    Reading Schedule

    Nope, not lazy. It's just, you like conveniences. Like the 7-11 store. Or water in bottles. Or a million other blessings we enjoy every day. Riding lawn mowers. Having a lawn, for crying out loud. Indoor plumbing LOL, but really. I mean think of all these things He created for us to...
  14. TerriP

    Hey guys, new to the forum.

    Welcome, brother.
  15. TerriP

    Net Based SwordSearcher

    Ditto and Amen!
  16. TerriP


    Nice of you to do this, Brandon.
  17. TerriP

    Implemented! Superscript and subscript in the editing box

    I use superscript a ton when copying and pasting Scripture to Word doc, for verse number - is that what you are talking about, but you want to be able to use it within SS...? That I have not tried.
  18. TerriP

    User-submitted Linked Chart of Ussher's Chronology

    Okay thanks a bunch Bill, will revisit this later and let you know
  19. TerriP

    User-submitted Linked Chart of Ussher's Chronology

    I downloaded and it's in the "Books and Dictionaries Section" but all I see is a little black box with an X in it. Anyway any help please and thanks both Ruthlyn & Bill, I did download the chart from Ruthlyn's link and it's real nice!
  20. TerriP

    Spurgeon Sermons

    I found it in mine! I was looking for "Spurgeon" or "Charles" - Thank you very much!