I sometimes wish I was 20 again, but do I really want to start my pilgrimage over when I'm getting so near Home?
It would be like... Never mind, I forgot what I was going to say.
Elder Je... Opps, I mean DEACON Jeff.
Back to the “bridge” joke. I still wonder if the joke itself couldn’t be considered divisive even when given in a lesson about unity.
Maybe next time you tell it you should change the antagonist from the KJV’er to the MV’er, assuming you’re an MV’er and have been telling the joke the way it...
Thanks for your response Jerry :).
I have other things to focus on the next couple of days, so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! How blessed we are to know what Christmas is really about!
I'm wondering:
1.) Which side tells this joke more (KJV?s or MV?s)?
a) Does this show that that side is actually MORE critical of the other?
b) That the other side are dour, humorless people?
c) Other?
2.) Is the purpose of this joke to
a) Exhort...
Yep, "KJVO" and "Modern Versions" are interchangeable, though each one likes to believe it can only be told one way. In any case I would rather have my hero being the one who reaches out to save the other one as he jumps and then is accused of pushing him over the edge than the one bent on...
The moral of the story is that there was a guy pretending to be a Christian but in reality was bent on his own destruction (after all, how many real Chrsitians do you know who would have, or act on, suicidal thoughts?).
After he jumped his peers blamed his death on conservative...
You really use that ancient, outdated version??? With a new, more accurate, literal, and easier to read version coming out every week you're waaaaaaaaaay behind.
I prefer the NRTNMUAETFCNRMRDV120206 (The Newly Revised Today's New Modern Updated American English Twenety-first Century...
Re: Great Program
It looks like the website has just been updated. This site has the most thorough overviews of Bible study software I'm aware of.
After all the time you spent reviewing the software I think it says a lot that SS is your software of choice.
Thanks Doug.