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    SwordSearcher 9.1 Released with Enhanced Topic and Verse Guide (and more)

    Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures - I was wondering how it is? Is it conservative? Also, I was wondering how he sees prophecy, if he thinks most of it was fulfilled already? Thanks
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    Does that battery last as long as they say it does? How many hours do you get?
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    the I's in Nehemiah

    111 matches, 77 verses for I in Nehemiah I say - two matches and only in the book of Nehemiah
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    Will SwordSearcher work with Windows 12?

    I see that Windows 12 is planned to come out this year, not sure if I will get it, probably not. But will Sword Searcher work with Windows 12? I have no idea on what it takes to make a program work when a new version of Windows gets released, so that is why I'm asking. Thanks!
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    Book to Commentary Question?

    Maybe you could have your writings under a section of Bible verses, kind of like Matthew Henry's. If the writing related to those verses.
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    Webster 1828 or Webster 1913

    Webster 1828 or Webster 1913
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    What is your favorite dictionary in SwordSearcher?

    This poll I can list most of the dictionaries in the Poll. Sorry if missed one
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    What is your favorite commentary in Sword Searcher?

    That's strange that you mentioned that one because I was thinking about included that one and I was thinking about mentioned in the description about sorry if I forgot some of them.
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    What is your favorite commentary in Sword Searcher?

    The person that voted Gill, do you use the printed version? I have it but the print is too small to use for me. But maybe if you think you would read it through, I could give it to you, but the print might be too small to use. But don't want to give it someone just to sit on a shelf or if...
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    Go FundMe - SwordSearchers

    Ok sounds good, thanks for the response. Sometimes I just throw ideas out there just to see what people think. Maybe it is a good idea or not. 😊
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    Go FundMe - SwordSearchers

    I was thinking for a GoFundMe - SwordSearcher - the idea would be funds for projects. Like one idea to have the funds donated go to printing projects. So be able to print on demand the commentary from SwordSearcher for people to have printed versions. Some of the prices are expensive like...
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    What is your favorite commentary in Sword Searcher?

    What is your favorite commentary in Sword Searcher? Barnes, Burkitt, Biblical Illustrator, Calvin, Clarke, Coke, Geneva Commntary, John Gill, Keil and Delitzsch, Poole, MacLarens, Matthew Henry, Peoples/Parker, Preacher/Excell, Pulpit, Schofield notes, Trapp, Treasury of David, Day by Day/Meyer...
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    wrong verse in Matthew Henry's complete commentary

    from my laptop's webcam. And it was also in the Hendrickson's version, in the picture above. At the very end of the commentary for that section. I hope this helps. God Bless
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    wrong verse in Matthew Henry's complete commentary

    Macdonald Publishing company six volume set, printed version. I'm using the laptop, so to get a picture I usually have to go to the phone and then connect the phone to the computer. I take a picture later brother. The commentary says about Joab taking spoils to the house of God. So...
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    wrong verse in Matthew Henry's complete commentary

    Sometime in the past, I don't know how long ago, I mention about broken or missing links or perhaps it was misspellings in the commentary, but it was minor enough where it was decided it wasn't worth all the time and effort to fix. Now is something different where the wrong verse is displayed...
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    Could AI take down sword searcher?

    I sometimes wonder about the Bible verse talking about people not being able to find the word of God. With the Bible on the internet, I think maybe the technology all gets destroyed somehow. Now I don't know much about computer compared to some of you on here, so I ask is it possible that...
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    Maybe post Forum tab on the main website

    I posed this suggestion here that maybe to post a tab "forums" on the main website at the top of the page.
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    Gill Commentary

    I don't know if I can help, I'm reading through Matthew Henry's six volume set. But if I read more of Gill's maybe I could take some notes. But I don't know if it's a good idea because if you get people to do notes and they disagree with Gill's take, what's to say that you will agree?
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    2024 is SwordSearcher's 30th Anniversary! 😁

    Praise God! Happy 30th anniversary.