michael d. bentley

  1. Pastor Langley

    God's Chosen Fast - Arthur Wallis Ver. 1.0

    God’s Chosen Fast Arthur Wallis offers this balanced study on fasting, and seeks to give to the subject the weight that Scripture gives it while also avoiding exaggeration and over-emphasis. This book includes a biblical index, and an appendix dealing with the textual problems surrounding four...
  2. Pastor Langley

    User-submitted Teaching on Fasting

    Pastor Langley submitted a new module: Teaching on Fasting - To The Jew First A Christian Ministry to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. Ro 1:16 Read more about this module...
  3. Pastor Langley

    Teaching on Fasting Ver_3_6/30/2024

    Teaching on Fasting Ver_3_6/30/2024 Companion book to - Michael D. Bentley - Commentary on Isaiah 58 Ver_3_6/30/2024 Michael D. Bentley - Missionary 58 years in Europe and Middle East wrote these works during his ministry and practiced them even today. I hope you will be challenged as I have...