Adding Hyperlinked Footnotes in Forge


I'm working on some tools to build some additional resources in Forge ( format (even have a simple bible converter for OSIS and Zefania [and I do mean *simple*] if anybody needs that).

Anyway, back on topic. I'm entering a hyperlink into my bible text to footnote a cross-reference (in this case a commentary lookup).

Here is the context of and a preview of the hyperlink as it appears in text:

upon <a href="swordsearcher://cmty+MHCC/ge1.2">{}</a> the face

This passes through Forge but the displayed rendering isn't what I expected. I get the footnote indication (a superscripted alpha character), but just after the character is an underscore connecting the footnote to the next word. (see the "b" footnote in the following image).


Not sure if you even planned for someone to try to do this Brandon but it would be really awesome if I could figure out how to make this work.
SwordSearcher does not really support hyperlinks in Bible modules like that. If you do try to use a hyperlink it might appear to work, but the module will not be properly created (phrase matching, etc will be impacted). It may also cause other undesirable side-effects. The Forge documentation states that the text must be plain.

The problem you are encountering is that when you use {}, SwordSearcher sees that as an inline footnote in the Bible text and treats it accordingly. Add that to the unsupported hyperlink the Bible text and it doesn't render correctly.

What I would suggest instead of trying to put commentary links inside Bible text in a Bible module is to create a special Commentary module with the Bible text on each verse, with your links inserted as desired there. The third-party NASB footnotes are done this way, for example.

You can insert footnotes in the Bible text (of a Bible module) by placing it in {curly braces} -- see the Forge documentation. Still, they are meant to be text-only. Hypertext markup should only be done in Commentary and Book modules.
Part of my curiosity began with trying to mimic the KJSVL which appeared to have Strong's hyperlinks embedded with each of the keyed verses along with updates to the style (apparent size and color of the font in context).
Part of my curiosity began with trying to mimic the KJSVL which appeared to have Strong's hyperlinks embedded with each of the keyed verses along with updates to the style (apparent size and color of the font in context).

The KJVSL is a special module -- the actual display code is dynamically built and run-time. The hyperlinks aren't stored in the module.