Any Interest In Devotionals?


Active Member
In the last couple of years, I have been working on various devotional books, and was wondering if there was any interest in them? They are:

Our Daily Homily by F.B. Meyer - which contains a devotional on each chapter of the Bible.
Moments Of Meditation - which contains 365 Daily meditations from excerpts of Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary.
Faith's Checkbook by Spurgeon.

I have lost and restarted the work on these several times - as once my computer crashed and I lost the modules, then afterwards, through a website change, I lost the modules I had uploaded to my own site - but did not backup on my own computer. Plus, due to a change in one site where I was posting a lot of study materials and books, etc. I was working on, a lot of that material was lost again!:roll: (I just took a quick look over on those boards, and realize that the material I was working on from these books is still there, so I will take a few days to make sure I have them all added to the appropriate modules before I lose them again.)

I really want to finish these books, as they are worth reading and using when reading various passages of Scripture - I found them especially beneficial when I was sending out Daily Devotionals for about 2 1/2 years - but due to time constraints, I had to stop doing that last October.

One concern I have and want to run it by those here: The philosophy for the study boards I posted material on was that all references had to be KJV. Sometimes the authors quoted (like Meyer) "corrected" or changed the rendering in the KJV - so I edited all the devotionals to reflect the reading in the KJV, plus also added the reference numbers for those who actually wanted to look up the passages for themselves. Does anyone here have a problem with that? I did not change what the author was saying - except when it was a direct quote that needed to be edited. This is something I would really like feedback on - because if I was to tackle this work again, I would like to have others interested in it, and not just throw it out because it was edited to conform to the KJV. Of course, in the first entry, I clearly indicated what I have done by way of editing.

Also, I was working on The Companion Of The Way. It is an excellent devotional book. I made webpages for it, and even a module before I realized that not all the references were KJV (I had edited about half of it last year). If there is any interest in this work, I will gladly take the time necessary to get the rest of it edited and proofread.

Looking for feedback. Thanks.
There are also several other study materials I have edited, that hopefully are still available online, such as:

Sermon Seeds From the Psalms - highlights and statements based on each Psalm - they are of a devotional nature, and useful to look at main themes and important ideas. One per Psalm. I have already edited this work, and it would be easy to put into a Module - I only hope that the files on his new site contain my edited work, and not what he originally posted (which needed to be proofread and edited).

Preach The Word - 123 Sermon Outlines by Frederick Rader - I haven't completely finished proofreading these, but if there is an interest, I am sure I can quickly do so and then put it into a Book Module. Thank the Lord that my previous webpartner was posting these outlines on two different message boards. The one in the link above is where I am still an Admin and actively posting/working.

There are also some other study material, such as OT and NT surveys and several good commentaries (on specific books) that I can work on - ones that we have posted publically because the copyright has expired (and not been renewed). Most of this material I have edited/proofread, but I am currently unsure whether my old webpartner has the updated files on his new site or not. If there is interest, I can take the time to verify and work on them, if needed.
Hi Bro. Jerry

I think that any or all of these would be a great benefit.

I enjoy doing modules, so if you need a hand, let me know. I have a personal web site with some of my own and some third party modules posted, would be happy to include these as well when you get them done.

As far as rendering back to the KJV, I have no issue with that. It is done all the time to render material with modern versions (which I DO have an issue with, but that is another thread altogether ;) )
Brother Mike, if you go to you will find The Holy War module there. Perhaps you can import it to 5, and then put it on your site. I also have two modules on the Psalms In Metre. I need to import those too. One worked for me, the other didn't so far (though I saw what someone posted in another thread, and it worked for them, so I will have to try that later.) Perhaps you would be interested in importing these and putting them on your site too. Do not use the module for The Companion Of The Way, as I still need to do some editing of that one.
Hi Bro. Jerry

I have downloaded the 4.x modules (Holy War, Psalms of David in Metre, and Psalms by Watts). Give me a day or two and I will have them posted. I will announce here in case there is interest.

I like to include an information section citing source, etc as well as a readme file in all of the modules I post.

Nice working with ya, Jerry.
Also Jerry

Brandon includes "Faiths Checkbook" in his other program, Daily Bible and Prayer. It is not in SS5, though.
Brandon includes "Faiths Checkbook" in his other program, Daily Bible and Prayer. It is not in SS5, though.

This is certainly correct, but I want to make sure you know that I have no problem with users making a Faith's Checkbook module for SwordSearcher if they so desire. :D
Looks like I lost the material posted online on Faith's Checkbook, though I still have it as an incomplete module in Swordsearcher. How can I or how do I make it like Morning And Evening, where each day's devotional is not just linked to the passage, but also linked to the proper day of the year? Can I do that - or would that conflict with Morning And Evening?
Looks like I lost the material posted online on Faith's Checkbook, though I still have it as an incomplete module in Swordsearcher. How can I or how do I make it like Morning And Evening, where each day's devotional is not just linked to the passage, but also linked to the proper day of the year? Can I do that - or would that conflict with Morning And Evening?

There's no way to do this with a third-party module. That functionality is specific to the Morning and Evening devotional module.
I have the introduction to Faith's Checkbook in Genesis 1:1. After the whole module is done, I can edit 1:1 to list all the days of the year, with links to that page. Would that be beneficial, or would that just bog people down?

For example:

After Intro...

January 1 - Either devotional name or title here
January 2 - Ditto...
December 31 - and so on.
In the last couple of years, I have been working on various devotional books, and was wondering if there was any interest in them? They are:

Our Daily Homily by F.B. Meyer - which contains a devotional on each chapter of the Bible.
Moments Of Meditation - which contains 365 Daily meditations from excerpts of Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary.
Faith's Checkbook by Spurgeon.

I have lost and restarted the work on these several times - as once my computer crashed and I lost the modules, then afterwards, through a website change, I lost the modules I had uploaded to my own site - but did not backup on my own computer. Plus, due to a change in one site where I was posting a lot of study materials and books, etc. I was working on, a lot of that material was lost again!:roll: (I just took a quick look over on those boards, and realize that the material I was working on from these books is still there, so I will take a few days to make sure I have them all added to the appropriate modules before I lose them again.)

Jerry, I'd love to see any or all of these as SS-mods, as your time allows. I believe the more material available, the better.

You might want to get a Google account set up. You would then have access to a lot of storage space you could use for things like this, and you would also be able to upload items there for others to d/l.

I really want to finish these books, as they are worth reading and using when reading various passages of Scripture - I found them especially beneficial when I was sending out Daily Devotionals for about 2 1/2 years - but due to time constraints, I had to stop doing that last October.

One concern I have and want to run it by those here: The philosophy for the study boards I posted material on was that all references had to be KJV. Sometimes the authors quoted (like Meyer) "corrected" or changed the rendering in the KJV - so I edited all the devotionals to reflect the reading in the KJV, plus also added the reference numbers for those who actually wanted to look up the passages for themselves. Does anyone here have a problem with that? I did not change what the author was saying - except when it was a direct quote that needed to be edited. This is something I would really like feedback on - because if I was to tackle this work again, I would like to have others interested in it, and not just throw it out because it was edited to conform to the KJV. Of course, in the first entry, I clearly indicated what I have done by way of editing.

I don't think you'll find anyone on here who complains about a work being edited from other versions to the King James. SS is very KJ friendly, and I don't think it's wrong to suggest it's meant to be.

Also, I was working on The Companion Of The Way. It is an excellent devotional book. I made webpages for it, and even a module before I realized that not all the references were KJV (I had edited about half of it last year). If there is any interest in this work, I will gladly take the time necessary to get the rest of it edited and proofread.

Looking for feedback. Thanks.

I understand where Mike is coming from, however I don't get too hot and bothered when I read a book if it uses a quote from another version. Frankly, after a certain point in time, many authors used other versions, and these would be saints who we might agree were "great saints for God" in most respects and who wrote works which in most respects were helpful and edifying, save for the verse quotes.

Maturing in the faith can be indicated, in part, by your ability to enjoy whatever meat there be, and not choking on the chicken bones.

Would I prefer they would all be KJ? Sure. Would I prefer modern publisher's didn't mess with classic works just to turn a buck? Sure. But if there's another version used, the task of comparing what a particular verse says with the KJ can often be helpful, especially in raising my appreciation for the KJ. So as far as I'm concerned, no worries either way mate.

Looking forward to more good input by you, my brother.
Hi Jerry

I apologize. I really dropped the ball on this one. Life got in my way a lot.

Do you still need help with these modules going to 5.x??

Will be happy to do so.

I enjoy working with this stuff, let me know if I can be of any assistance