Audio passage repeat


Beta Tester
I don't know if others would like it or not, but I think it'd be useful if I could get the audio to automatically repeat a passage I'm memorizing. Something like set it to repeat Php 2:5-11 X number of times, or repeat indefinitely. With the scrolling and the Scourby audio, seems to me this would help with memorizing.
Yeah....kinda cool....
Falling asleep at night with the same verse(s) over and over.....I betcha I would wake up, with that verse fully loaded in me brain...
I used to put my school notes on a 4 track tape and listen to that tape while I was asleep at night!
I really kinda like that idea.....
Could also be used for books and commentaries !?!?!?!
That sounds like a good idea. Or repeat a range like Eph 2.8-9 or Titus 2.11-13 or a chapter perhaps.
I agree it's a great idea, and this is on the to-do list. :)