Background color in module entry editor

Pastor Langley

Active Member
Since (Dark Mode) is widely used with SwordSearcher users, does anyone know the easiest way to get Dark Mode in a book module that I DO NOT WANT TO USE SwordSearchers "Style and Format Cleaner" on. No offense Brandon.
Something I read uses html code for this I thought in SwordSearcher as (transparent)...???
Just want to be able to make modules User Friendly. If thats the only way, ok, will do.
But, there are some modules that have not been done this way. They have kept their original Formatting. Just a question for better module building. Thanks everyone.
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Get code for displaying color of module pages right for Dark Mode.
background-color: transparent;

But not sure where to place above code? A Forum user gave me this when first started buiding book module.
Thanks. Newbie trying to learn.
So by "dark mode" in this instance you just mean controlling the background color of an entry you are editing in a module?

You will have to do that in code edit mode. There are several ways to do that in HTML.

bgcolor, inline CSS, and internal CSS would all work in SwordSearcher's code editor. SwordSearcher doesn't support external CSS.
Rereading your question, I suppose what you are looking to do is remove the explicitly set background color from something in the editor? You just need to find whatever part of the code that sets the background color to something and remove it. You shouldn't need to set the background color to transparent, just remove whatever is setting the color you don't want. The above link should help you locate what that is.
dark_mode.jpg White background.
Here is what I mean. This latest module, which I do not yet want to run SwordSearcher's Format Cleaner shows in Dark Mode. I will check that link out and thanks for it. I suppose that if format cleaner is ran it will take care of this problem. It has on most modules without fail. I just want the formatting to stay but if shared would like to cater to the "dark mode".
2.jpg Dark background.
Here is SwordSearcher format ran, dark mode works ok.
BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255);
Removed DARK MODE working!
Wow I'm a gen..., wait no I'm not, thanks Brandon!
1736636390592.png Working image. Thanks again.
I place all that I learn into a Book Module called A_Test Module, so that I can reference that later.