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User-submitted Bible Maps 1.0
Linked to the Topic and Verse Guide

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I did mot see links to :cool: ☕ ☕ Oklahoma...
I love it! Thank you wsbones...
wsbones submitted a new module:

Bible Maps - Linked to the Topic and Verse Guide

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Wish bones is there anyway to get the links to the bookshelf with the Law, History, Poetry, Major, Minor Prophets, Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, General Epistles, and Prophecy with Old Testament and New Testament links so that I could use a bookshelf module for Bible Outlining and teaching? I just love your _bookshelf, but I have no idea how to make those as links.
Played around with the code but nothing like your _bookshelf!
I created a user book with 67 topics one for each book of the Bible and one for the bookshelf. I put a link in each empty topic to return to the bookshelf. See if the attached zip file works for you. Unzip to your user module directory.


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I created a user book with 67 topics one for each book of the Bible and one for the bookshelf. I put a link in each empty topic to return to the bookshelf. See if the attached zip file works for you. Unzip to your user module directory.
Thank you so much my brother. Where do I go online to edit an image like this to add links for the Law, History, Poetry, Gospels, etc.
Hope to acomplish this for a my bible study.
I created a user book with 67 topics one for each book of the Bible and one for the bookshelf. I put a link in each empty topic to return to the bookshelf. See if the attached zip file works for you. Unzip to your user module directory.
It's Working.:cool:😃 Thank you sir! Now to remember what I did. Ha!
Was able to add the "Law" top left corner, and link it. I am Happy!
It is showing my little rectangle like your image when in edit code mode. So off I go to get the rest of them.
Thanks again wsbones!
I created a user book with 67 topics one for each book of the Bible and one for the bookshelf. I put a link in each empty topic to return to the bookshelf. See if the attached zip file works for you. Unzip to your user module directory.
Ya this has helped me a lot! One thing noticed:
<AREA href="swordsearcher://book+NoteShelf/Law##" shape=RECT coords=46,4,91,22> Can the coordinances numbers be changed (to make adjustments) or does can this only be done while making the map links? Reason asking is that Revelation is high and my last one to insert was Prophecy and had to just make a small corner , not a problem so far, but wanted to know if it can be done after the fact or only while building into the image? I used,
Ya this has helped me a lot! One thing noticed:
<AREA href="swordsearcher://book+NoteShelf/Law##" shape=RECT coords=46,4,91,22> Can the coordinances numbers be changed (to make adjustments) or does can this only be done while making the map links? Reason asking is that Revelation is high and my last one to insert was Prophecy and had to just make a small corner , not a problem so far, but wanted to know if it can be done after the fact or only while building into the image? I used,
View attachment 2428
Got it, can be done. Wow this is fun and frustrating all at once. I was afraid that I would have to start all over and do all of them again. Amen.
wsbones you are so far ahead of us newbies. thank you for helping. THANKS for SHARING!
Here's what I did to the bookshelf using the coord's numbers. Trial and error but worth the work.
Able to lower Revelation so that I could get Prophecy in there.