Blank entries in a commentary


Active Member
I hope I can make sense in what I am about to write but I have combined maybe 15 or more (pure guess) commentary writers into 4 modules. I have named them P, PB1, PB2 and PB3. I am trying to keep each verses entries immediately adjacent to each other. For instance, if John 3:16 or any other verse for that matter has 2 entries, then I want those 2 entries to be in P and PB1 and not in P and PB2 or PB3, thereby leaving a blank entry in PB1, etc.

Is there a way to search for a blank entry in a module?

Is there a way to search for a blank entry in a module?

For commentaries, if you save an entry with no content, it should remove the entry entirely from the commentary.

For books, having an empty entry is intentional since you need to create empty entries to edit them, unlike a commentary.

But there is no way to search for an empty entry in SwordSearcher.