C. S. Spurgeon - Till He Come


Beta Tester

Converted from CCEL text.

Several of the discourses here published were delivered to thousands of communicants in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, while others were addressed to the little companies of Christians,--of different denominations, and of various nationalities,--who gathered around the communion table in Mr. Spurgeon's sitting-room at Mentone. The addresses cover a wide range of subjects; but all of them speak more or less fully of the great atoning sacrifice of which the broken bread and the filled cup are the simple yet significant symbols.

Something very odd is happening...

I download the CSTill.ss5book to C:/Program Files (x86)/SwordSearcher/Modules, where all my other books, Bibles, and commentaries are located.

I opened SS and cannot find it, not just in what I have currently displayed under Books and Dictionaries, but also under the tab Book/Select Book at the top.

I did a re-start of my computer, same thing.

I open the folder where it was supposed to have been downloaded and it's not there!

I re-download to the same folder, and I am asked if I want to replace the existing file! I say yes, but then I go through the same thing all over again, can't see it anywhere, in SS or in the program folder.

Hellllp and thanks, Bill.
Something very odd is happening...

It sounds like you might be having problems with "virtualization" of the files you are downloading. You should not try to manually place the files under Program Files. Instead, the files you manually download should go into your Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder.

The reason for this problem is complicated and has to do with file access permissions and user accounts. See if putting the file in the SwordSearcher User Modules folder works and let me know.
Got it and looking forward to reading
Thanks Bill


Converted from CCEL text.

Several of the discourses here published were delivered to thousands of communicants in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, while others were addressed to the little companies of Christians,--of different denominations, and of various nationalities,--who gathered around the communion table in Mr. Spurgeon's sitting-room at Mentone. The addresses cover a wide range of subjects; but all of them speak more or less fully of the great atoning sacrifice of which the broken bread and the filled cup are the simple yet significant symbols.
Thank Bill.
every blessing.:)