CIA Factbook


Beta Tester
This is a tremendous resource for maps and information about all the countries of the world. This makes it available within Swordsearcher.

Install CIA-Factbook SS Module (3 MB) in the SS User Modules directory and then get the CIA Factbook Download (48 MB). Unzip the CIA Factbook Download zip file to the C:\program files\swordsearcher 5\ directory on your hard drive.

I made the SS module editable if you need to change the location of the Factbook files. You would have to export and edit the <BASE ...> statement in each section to point to the appropriate location.
Thanks, Bill! One question, though - do I need to unzip the file into the SwordSearcher 5 directory or just place the file there? :confused:
Thanks, Bill! One question, though - do I need to unzip the file into the SwordSearcher 5 directory or just place the file there? :confused:

You need to upzip it there and make sure that you use the "folders" option of winzip so it creates a directory structure there like this:


I also created an installer that you can download and run. It will do everything for you. It contains the CIA download and installs it in the right location. It's at this location: Stuff/InstallCIAFB.exe

If you use the installer, one thing should be done after it is installed and running. Inside Swordsearcher rename the topic middle_east to middle east. I fixed that in the version I posted but the installer take about an hour to create and then upload, and I didn't want to do it again.
I found 3 small errors in the CIA-FB ssbook which I have corrected. They are:
1. The Antigua and Barbuda topic had duplicate data (2 copies within the topic). Same with the Aruba topic
2. Howland Island had no data so I deleted it
3. The central_America region map topic showed the Artic map on top of the Central America map.

I have now gone through every topic and screened for errors. I think I have found them all.

Here is a link to a complete installer (48mb). Stuff/InstallCIAFB-1.1.exe

Here is a link to the SSBOOK module. If you have already correctly installed the CIA Factbook download in the Swordsearcher 5 directory, All you need to do is update the SSBOOK. (3mb)

If you have not installed the module at all, then use the complete installer. It will put all the files in the correct locations.

If you find any other errors after updating let me know.

Someone, please post a note here so I know you got it working. :)

It works perfectly, Bill! What a neat resource! :D ?Muchas gracias!
Great! I am glad it works. Did you use the installer? If not, has anyone tried the installer?

You can also double click on the index.html file in the Factbook directory or create a bookmark in your browser and get some additional features that I did not implement inside of SS.
With the Factbook active, use the F4 key to do a quick search for the word, Christian. Interesting result.
Great! I am glad it works. Did you use the installer? If not, has anyone tried the installer?

You can also double click on the index.html file in the Factbook directory or create a bookmark in your browser and get some additional features that I did not implement inside of SS.

I used the installer. (I started to unzip the file and then decided to use the installer, but unzipping the file would have worked also.)

I was going to rename the topic "middle_east" to "middle east" but it was already renamed... The only thing that comes up under "middle east" is a map - is that as it should be?
With the Factbook active, use the F4 key to do a quick search for the word, Christian. Interesting result.

At first, I accidentally hit the F3 key and the quick search for CIA-FB came up - when I hit F4, a quick search for the open commentary module came up.

And, yes, the search result for "Christian" was very interesting!
The only thing that comes up under "middle east" is a map - is that as it should be?

Yes, it is one of the regional maps that are referenced in the maps of each country. If you click on the regional map link to PDF file, you get a map that you can really zoom in on without losing resolution.