Couple questions:


Active Member
Think that I finally got my colours nice. Maybe a little tweaking still.
SS Colours.png

In dark mode I wish we could tone down the pitch black borders a little bit.
But the question is: Is there no ability to change the Verse Guide font colour? The peach colour is ok but a little off from my colour scheme. I would make it more orange or something.
Verse Guide.png

In the Verse Guide there is a visual glitch when clicking on: 'Display Search Information And Statistics'. It opens maximized and has this glitch.
Glitch 1.png

Minimizing then maximizing the window fixes the glitch. It happens consistently.
Glitch 2.png

Could you add: "At this verse" to the boot up options, please (user would choose the verse). I would just set it to Gen. 1:1. So SS boots up to Gen. 1:1 by default.
Boot Up Passage.png

I've noticed basically all the modern Bible translations are not included in the SS Deluxe Edition. NIV, NKJV, NLT, NRSV, ESV, NAS, AB etc.
I'm no fan of them but might be helpful for comparisons. Are they not included because publishers have copyrights on these versions?
Actually, my boot up suggestion is a little off. Don't know if there would be a reason to want SS to open to any particular passage.
Except some people might want it to boot up in the New Testament. So Maybe one option for Gen1:1, one option for Matt. 1:1.

Then one option: "Most recent in your reading schedule" to pick up where they left off in their daily reading.
Or ideally we could choose SS to boot up with multiple tabs. You could have a Gen. 1:1 tab, a proverb of the day, and a reading schedule tab load all at the same time.

EDIT: The proverb of the day would only open once per day. If it was already opened that day, that would expire it's one auto-open, and so not open again until the next day. If the person wants to read it again they have to manually open it with the menu selection. (same with a devotional of the day) Could there also be a psalm of the day? (is that a thing?)

I got the idea from Google Chrome, that it can open multiple tabs on boot up:
On Start Up.png

So my suggestion would look like this: (You could select multiple options. It would load each in its own tab. You could choose the order they appear, from left to right.)

When Sword Searcher starts, set Bible panel to:
- Most recently viewed verse.
- Proverbs chapter of the day.
- Devotional of the day.
- Gen. 1:1
- Matt. 1:1
- Most recently viewed reading schedule verse.
- Most recent sermon prep tabs.

I just remembered could you add an option to force certain tabs to pin to the left of its window, please. (or right)
The Verse Guide, for example. When it shows results in a new tab, I would want the general default Verse Guide tab to remain to the left side of all other tabs, for easy navigation (muscle memory). Each new tab would stack to the furthest right in the group of tabs. So the tabs would be in chronological order of appearance. Same with the other windows and their tabs. Please please 🤗


  • On Start Up.png
    On Start Up.png
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In dark mode I wish we could tone down the pitch black borders a little bit.
You may need to adjust the contrast, brightness, and gamma settings on your monitor. In SwordSearcher dark mode, the black used to paint window chrome is actually 14% brightness, or #242424. It is not true black (0%). For comparison, for the same part of the window, Microsoft has chosen a 6% level, which is darker than SwordSearcher. The splitter bars in SwordSearcher are drawn darker than that for contrast (so it is clear where you can adjust).

On my screens, which are calibrated for photo editing, your background color setting in your screen shots is so bright (actually 40% brightness) that I would strain to read from it in dark mode myself. So, try adjusting your hardware.
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You may need to adjust the contrast, brightness, and gamma settings on your monitor.
Yup, that was the issue. I had my monitor on a custom setting. Reset the monitor and it looks great now.

I just checked and even the Logos premium versions don't have half the versions I mentioned. Scooped up the NASB, and I'll be happy with that. Close enough. Most Christians in history would give an arm and leg to have a Bible at all.
Thanks so much. 😊