creating un-editable user module


Beta Tester
Brandon, it's been a while since I tried making a user module. There's a small work on prayer that I think would be a blessing to all, but I want to make sure that it can't be changed once it's available to ensure the preservation of the original author's work.

However since it has been so long since I've attempted this sort of thing, I can't remember how to lock the module. Appreciate a quick refresher on what to do in terms of putting it through Forge once I create the book with the built in resources in SS. (And maybe some new comers might find this information helpful too.) Thanks.
After you are satisfied with the content of the module, you can export it on the User menu. This saves the source of the module text in Forge format. Then you can build it with Forge as a non-editable module.
After you are satisfied with the content of the module, you can export it on the User menu. This saves the source of the module text in Forge format. Then you can build it with Forge as a non-editable module.

I'm glad it's easy! I know we are to be light to the world, but sometimes I feel like a low watt bulb.