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Included Danish Bibelen 1871 [DanishB] [Deluxe]
Revisions of Bishop Hans Svane's 1647 Revision of Bishop Hans Poulsen Resen’s Translation of 1607.

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

Danish Bibelen 1871 [DanishB] [Deluxe] - Revisions of Bishop Hans Svane's 1647 Revision of Bishop Hans Poulsen Resen’s Translation of 1607.

Revisions of Bishop Hans Svane's 1647 Revision of Bishop Hans Poulsen Resen’s Translation of 1607.
Text from an OCR of The Danish Bible Society's printed edition from 1871.
New Testament 1819 revision during the reign of King Frederik VI.
Old Testament 1871 revision by the Danish Bible Society during the reign of King Christian IX.

SwordSearcher Tab: Bibles > DanishB

This module is included in the Deluxe Library.

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