Dictionary of Searches


Beta Tester
I think I figured out the best format for a search book. I took the 93,208 three-word phrases that occur more than once in the Bible and picked the keyword from each phrase using the longest word. Then I made a dictionary with topics indexed on the keywords. For each keyword, I listed all the searches containing that word, sorted by the number of occurrences in the Bible.

Now when you double click on a keyword in the Bible or a book, the Topic and Verse Guide will have show an entry in the phrase dictionary. In that entry you can see all the relevant phrases . The phrases are linked to do a search of the Bible and display the results in the result window.

Here's a link to the dictionary.
Sounds interesting!
I discovered that a few search links do not find anything in SS. The reason is that I did not use the apostrophe when I created the phrase. That works for me in Python, but SS needs the apostrophe so I will make some modifications and unload a new version in a day or two. In the meanwhile, the phrase and the number of occurrences is still valid but you need to search manually if there should be an apostrophe in the phrase.

Here's an example under Abigail:
Abigail Nabals wife has 2 occurrences but is not found in SS
The phrase search should be Abigail Nabal's wife.
I discovered that a few search links do not find anything in SS. The reason is that I did not use the apostrophe when I created the phrase. That works for me in Python, but SS needs the apostrophe so I will make some modifications and unload a new version in a day or two. In the meanwhile, the phrase and the number of occurrences is still valid but you need to search manually if there should be an apostrophe in the phrase.

Here's an example under Abigail:
Abigail Nabals wife has 2 occurrences but is not found in SS
The phrase search should be Abigail Nabal's wife.

SwordSearcher indexes Nabal's as Nabal's and as Nabal.
SwordSearcher indexes Nabal's as Nabal's and as Nabal.

I couldn't find the phrase "abigail nabals wife" in SS. I had to use the apostrophe.

Anyway I added the apostrophe character to the search book and will upload it shortly. Thanks.
I just uploaded the corrected dictionary at this link:

I tested the links with the apostrophe like Solomon's ... and they work now.

As an example of how the dictionary works, I found an interesting search when I double clicked on the word 'depart' in Acts 18:2. The Topic and Verse Guide came up with Bonnell's Dictionary of Three Word Phrases. Clicking on it took me to the entry for 'depart'. It looked like this.
Bonnell's Dictionary of Three Word Phrases
14 depart from me
11 not depart from
9 shall not depart
9 depart out of
8 to depart from
7 depart from evil
5 depart from thee


I tried the third entry for shall not depart and got some interesting results.
One thing I noticed about the dictionary that is counter-intuitive. Because of the way I choose the important word to use for a topic entry (the longest word in a phrase), no word in any phrase for a topic is longer than the topic word. I'm not sure what the consequence of this are or how to get around it. It still seems very useful to me.

Here's an example. "And" is a dictionary topic. The longest word in any of the phrases for "and" is 3 letters. However "and" shows up in other topics where the topic is more than 3 letters.

It would be impractical to have an entry for every word and then list every phrase containing that word. It's easier to just do a search on the word.

You can always use the f3 key to find all the entries that have a particular word or two in a phrase. In fact that produces some interesting results also.
Hi Bill,

What is the difference between BB3WS and BD3WS?
I have already BB3WS on SS.
Thanks for your awesome modules . . .

Sorry I have renamed these modules a couple times and I have made a few that I haven't posted. It gets confusing.

The BD3WS is a dictionary indexed by keyword. The BB3WS is a book of searches indexed by book of the Bible. I think you will find the dictionary more useful.

Take a look at the bottom left column of my module page. http://sites.google.com/site/wsbones/
Is BPSb a complement of BD3WS?

Yes. Each is just a different way or organizing the search phrases. One by book, the other by key word. If you want to see some recurring ideas in a book of the Bible use the BPSb. If you want to see some searches related to a word or concept, use the BD3WS.
Bill thank you for such a great work.
Bonnell's Dictionary of Three Word Phrases...

Destined to become one of those reference works Bible students simply refer to as "Strong's" or "Unger's" or... "Bonnell's"...

Now make sure when you do your interviews you stress "...and that's TWO n's AND two L's..."

Of course, that will follow the students who start out Bible school with SwordSearcher on their laptops...

Keep it coming, Bill. Good stuff.
I made an improvement to BD3WP - the dictionary of phrases by keyword.

Some Bible words were not previously included in the dictionary because they were not keywords in a phrase. For those words I added an entry showing the first occurrences of that word. Now all 12,850 Bible words are part of the dictionary, not just the 5,613 that have 3 word phrases that occur more than once.

It would be interesting to add the Webster 1913 definition to each word in this dictionary. Maybe some time in the future.

Here's the link:
Re: Dictionary of Searches (example of using)

"is none else"

This three word phrase caught my attention reading Solomon's prayer in 1Ki 8. It's categorized under "none" (the first longest word in the phrase) in BD3WP showing up 9 times. Clicking the search link shows De 4:35,39; 1Ki 8:60; Isa 45:5-6,14,18,22; 46:9

Summarizing the search for a meditation/devotion yields:
  • The Lord, He is God
  • The Lord is God
  • I am the Lord
  • There is no other
  • I am God
I also noticed the phrase hear thou in heaven in 1Ki 8. It occurs 7 times in 1Ki 8. This phrase can be found categorized under both hear (hear thou in) and heaven (thou in heaven) again using the first longest word in the 3 word phrase.

I have been finding this fun and useful so I changed my SS preferences so that double clicking a word in the Bible brings up the closest entry in BD3WP.
This is really neat, Bill. Thanks for making this module.
Thanks Bill! :)

Bill, if you don't mind, I'm going to mirror this on SSModules. Please let me know if that's alright.
By the way, I really like how you've put the SwordSearcher URL system to work in this module. Great work!