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Free Add-on English Revised Version [RV] 1.2
Revised Version (1881 NT, 1885 OT)

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Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

English Revised Version [RV] - Revised Version (1881 NT, 1885 OT)

Revised Version

1881 (New Testament), 1885 (Old Testament)

This Bible translation marks the first widespread significant departure from the Received Text in Christian Scholarship. This module is provided to facilitate historical and comparative inquiry. Study of Burgon's writings and Which Version: Authorized or Revised is recommended. Also, Crowned With Glory would be an excellent study companion with this...

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This is the Granddaddy of all the English perversions of the Bible. A must for comparison of the English versions.
I've tried for half an hour to download this. I just keep going in circles and can't find a link that goes anywhere. You click on go to download and you end up in the same place again.
I've tried for half an hour to download this. I just keep going in circles and can't find a link that goes anywhere. You click on go to download and you end up in the same place again.
Try again, it should be working now. Broken link fixed.