Find all instances where the Greek word εν is translated in the KJV as "by"


Beta Tester
Goal: find all instances where the Greek word εν is translated in the KJV as "by".

When I use the English-Strong's Indexer (ESI) by means of
Search > English-Strong's Indexer
(or Ctrl-F2) to find all the Greek words translated as "by" in the KJV, I scroll down to εν (Strong's Greek #1722). The list there indicates that the word "by" in the KJV is translated from G1722 only in Romans 1:12.
G1722 as by_300.jpg

But it's apparent from KJVSL that εν is translated as "by" in 1 Cor. 12:13 as seen in this screenshot:

I know there are also other instances, too, e.g., 1 Cor. 12:3 (2x), Luke 2:27.
What might I be doing wrong? Or, if it's not me, why is SwordSearcher not picking these up?
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I'm not sure what happened in your screen shot. It looks like this when I do an NT search for "by" in the ESI I get this for G1722:


With the verse in question included under by (140).

The "translated from" search method you mention is documented in the help file as well:

(Under Special @ and @! operators: find text translated from or "not" translated from)