

Active Member

I have tried every way I can think of to use MS Word to create footnotes for a module. They work in MS Word but will not work in SwordSearcher. When I move my cursor in SS across one of them I get such as file://%23_ft1

Is there a way in WYSIWUG mode to force a footnote in SS or do you have any suggestions as to what I can do in MS Word to make this work?

Is there a way in WYSIWUG mode to force a footnote in SS or do you have any suggestions as to what I can do in MS Word to make this work?

No, there is no WYSIWYG way to do this that I can think of.

The problem with Word is that you're just copying in Word's HTML source, which Word sets to file links. There may be a way to get Word to change how it encodes footnote links, but I do not know how you would do that.

In order to insert footnote links in user commentaries and books that jump from top to bottom, you need to manually edit the HTML of the entries and use named anchors. For example:

See footnote <a href="#_edn1" name="_ednref1">1</a>.
<a href="#_ednref1" name="#_edn1">Note 1</a> This is footnote 1...
One possibility did occur to me. Have you tried telling MS Word to save the file as a web page? Word might encode the footnote links as simple named anchor links if you explicitly save it as an HTML file.
One possibility did occur to me. Have you tried telling MS Word to save the file as a web page? Word might encode the footnote links as simple named anchor links if you explicitly save it as an HTML file.

When I was more active with online activities and doing our church web page I believe I did use this strategy to a very good effect.