Forge question


Active Member
In my present work on Spurgeons Expository Notes, when I have exported a module and bring it up into MS Word, I am running across things with a question mark inside a box, such as this:
even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.�
It has to do with things like a -- or a " or things of that kind (if I have made sense)
It is a slow, tedious work (for an old man anyway) but I have begun the process of bringing the work into one module. Nowhere else have I found the work where it is all combined into one page - no one has done it. So, I am planning to proceed with my plans and put it all together. If I live to be 116 maybe I will get it done - give or take 3 or 4 months. :)
Has anyone else ever run across a problem with the question mark in a box after exporting to MS Word? If so, is there a way I can export to MS Word without such? I am having to go back and put all the </p> and $$ in order to eventually bring it into Forge and zapping it all back into SwordSearcher. Is there a better and/or a faster way to do the work that you might suggest?

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That symbol usually means that somewhere along the lines, a Unicode character was incorrectly encoded or decoded. There is no easy solution. You usually have to start with the source, assuming the source is properly encoded.

That symbol usually means that somewhere along the lines, a Unicode character was incorrectly encoded or decoded. There is no easy solution. You usually have to start with the source, assuming the source is properly encoded.

Thanks much. I have found a better way to do the work. At the following link, there are a lot of works by Spurgeon and a lot of others. I downloaded the PDF files of Spurgeon and it is a lot easier to go through all the various pages and just add to the work as I go and it is a lot neater too, especially when I use the style and format cleaner: