Hebrew Old Testament Module


Active Member
have we ever made a module of the Hebrew Old Testament...........?
wooooohhh.... would I love this....
this would be so awesome ! ! !
I guess something like Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew would would be a great addition. Some of the deeper meaning of the Hebrew words come from it's grammatical roots.
thanks brandon..................guess i kept thinking new testament when i saw TR-- duho_O

Versions prior to 6.0 only had the NT.

It's understandable. Most people do not think of the Old Testament when the term Textus Receptus is used. (Some people incorrectly say that the term can only be applied to the Greek NT. That's just not historically correct.) I have this statement on the website:

Textus Receptus is Latin for "received text." Though the title is usually applied to the Greek New Testament underlying Reformation-era Bible translations, the term applies equally to the Old Testament text also used in these translations.​