

Beta Tester
A Collection of Hymns by the Rev. John Wesley for Swordsearcher. Text of about 1000 hymns, poetry, and praise for various occasions. Good for meditation. Has index of 1st lines and table of contents.

Here's one:

1 O FOR a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer's praise,
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace!
2 My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honours of thy name.
3 Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
'Tis music in the sinner's ears,
'Tis life, and health, and peace.
4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.
5 He speaks, and, listening to his voice,
New life the dead receive,
The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,
The humble poor believe.
6 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Saviour come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.
7 Look unto him, ye nations, own
Your God, ye fallen race;
Look, and be saved through faith alone,
Be justified by grace.
8 See all your sins on Jesus laid:
The Lamb of God was slain,
His soul was once an offering made
For every soul of man.
9 Awake from guilty nature's sleep,
And Christ shall give you light,
Cast all your sins into the deep,
And wash the ?thiop white.
10 With me, your chief, ye then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.
I uploaded a modification to Hymns. I fixed a couple errors and decided to put the first line of each song into the topic title so the SS Topic and Verse could be used for searching. Then I had to redo the TOC and Index of 1st lines because the links all changed. Hopefully it's better and more useful :)

If you already downloaded it before the date/time of this message you might want to download it again. Here's the link:

Bill can you please help me with this problem, I am using office word 07.
and it come up unreadable.

SwordSearcher Bible Software resource module file [www.swordsearcher.com] [1227884195] THIS MODULE WAS BUILT BY A THIRD PARTY. THIS MODULE IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE PUBLISHERS OF SWORDSEARCHER.Wesley Hymn BookHymnsForge

every blessing.

john.a :???:
I am using office word 07.
and it come up unreadable.

.ss5book and .ss5cmty files need to be put in your Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder. Then restart SwordSearcher and they will appear on tabs in SwordSearcher. They are binary data files and MS Word can not read them.
Updated Hymn Book

I combined hymn books of Wesley with that of John Newton and William Cowper into one resource. Many of the hymns have scripture references which makes this resource useful as a margin link. The book also has a combined table of contents and the Wesley hymns have an index of 1st lines.

The resource resides on my SkyDrive. I am interested if sharing this link works for SS users. You should be able to click on the SkyDrive entry and download the SSbook file. Here's the "shortened" link.

Re: Updated Hymn Book

I combined hymn books of Wesley with that of John Newton and William Cowper into one resource. Many of the hymns have scripture references which makes this resource useful as a margin link. The book also has a combined table of contents and the Wesley hymns have an index of 1st lines.

The resource resides on my SkyDrive. I am interested if sharing this link works for SS users. You should be able to click on the SkyDrive entry and download the SSbook file. Here's the "shortened" link.


I downloaded your book using the link above. Since I already had a book in my collection named "Hymns", I had to rename the new file (or I could have overwritten the old one). This new book of hymns didn't show up in SwordSearcher as there was already a book with the short name "Hymns", so I changed the short name of the first book to "HymnsWes" and restarted SwordSearcher and, VOILA!, the new Hymns showed up. Thanks, Bill!
Re: Updated Hymn Book

I downloaded your book using the link above. Since I already had a book in my collection named "Hymns", I had to rename the new file (or I could have overwritten the old one). This new book of hymns didn't show up in SwordSearcher as there was already a book with the short name "Hymns", so I changed the short name of the first book to "HymnsWes" and restarted SwordSearcher and, VOILA!, the new Hymns showed up. Thanks, Bill!

Thanks Marty. I'm glad the SkyDrive shared link worked. Other people who have the previous version (of just the Wesley hymns) will have the same issue as you did. This one could probably replace that one. The old one could be deleted or renamed before installing this one.
Thanks Bill.
