Making non-text


Active Member
I have a module that I just created that had something like col. 3 in it. I cannot get it to not show that as Colossians 3 no matter what I do. I thought it was a combination of / or \ but I cannot make a single / or \ or a double / or \ do the job.

A search in the help file did not bring up what I needed. I've done this before but don't remember how I did it.

Thanks much,
When I removed the period it worked.

Instead of /col. 2./ I put /col. 2/. (I think) and it worked. That / had to be put inside the .

Does that make sense? I think that is what I did anyway. Right now I woulnd't swear to anything. :) All I know is I got it straightened out.

Just a followup: In the user editor, you can go to File > Configure Verse Reference Recognition and add text that shouldn't be recognized as verses. So if you never wanted Col to be interpreted in your user book you can add it to the list. (It doesn't affect anything else in SwordSearcher, just the user editor.)