Module Install

Not being very savvy about the above link...
What I did was to drag the module into the SS Module file in SS folder via Program files in Win worked.
Gary, if your module is to be editable, that is, if you want to be able to add notes or comments to it, it needs to go in your Documents/SwordSearcher User Modules folder. You can't have a copy in the Programs/SwordSearcher/Modules folder and one in the Documents/SwordSearcher User Modules folder as well, as the Programs file will cancel the other one out. When you move it, make sure a copy isn't left behind. I hope this helps. :)
I'm not seeing Documents/SwordSearcher User Modules folder but only in the Programs Files(86) folder only.
There are several places to find the Documents folder (image attached). The SwordSearcher User Modules folder should be in it. You may need to create the SS folder if it isn't there. To create the folder, right-click on the Documents folder and look towards the bottom of the popup list for "New" - New Folder will be one of the options under New, and you'll be able to type in SwordSearcher User Modules.


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There are several places to find the Documents folder (image attached). The SwordSearcher User Modules folder should be in it. You may need to create the SS folder if it isn't there. To create the folder, right-click on the Documents folder and look towards the bottom of the popup list for "New" - New Folder will be one of the options under New, and you'll be able to type in SwordSearcher User Modules.

Normally, SwordSearcher will automatically create the folder. While this option can be disabled, if the folder is not where it should be, chances are SS will not see it even if he makes it.

Gary, if you can't find your personal Documents folder, you can have SwordSearcher take you there automatically. Go to File, Preferences, Module File Locations, and then right-click on the first item in the list (probably the only item) and select Show in Explorer. That will open Explorer to the correct folder where user-editable modules go. Image attached.


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And, double-check that you have not enabled the "Do not create default user module location on startup." That's a feature intended for advanced users managing multiple module file locations and should normally not be selected.
No can find in 6.2.

I'm sorry, I forgot that you were using a version older that 7.

You'll need to use your Windows Explorer to find your personal documents folder. In that folder is where SwordSearcher automatically creates a sub-folder called "SwordSearcher User Modules." The personal documents folder is a standard Windows location everyone has -- but the exact location depends on many other details. Marty's picture shows you different places in Windows Explorer that will take you there.
Mine is still found in Program files (86)
I did a reinstall from the cd.

Installing SwordSearcher does not create your personal documents folder, it is part of Windows. Here is a link for some more information. (You might want to try the search with your particular version of Windows, to get more specific examples.)

Having said all of this, if you were able to get a downloaded module working by copying it to your program files folder directly, that is fine. It's not really the "right way" but it doesn't really matter as long as you can use it.