My Wishlist


Beta Tester
Some of these I've already mentioned to Brandon in one fashion or another, and I'm sure some of them are simply not feasible, but since he put up the new forum I thought I'd oblige... :)

-> Ability to highlight or underline Scripture text.

-> I would love to be able to right-click on the tab of a user-created commentary or book and get a context-sensitive menu to Delete, Rename, or Export without having to go through the User menu.

-> Double-clicking on a word in the scripture text would automatically jump to that entry in either:
(a) the currently active bok
(b) a pre-determined book set in the Preferences for this purpose.

So for instance, as I'm reading the La 1:4, I would double-click on "Zion", and I would automatically see the entry for Zion in Easton's dictionary. That would be cool.

-> A bookmark "button set." In other words, on the toolbar have 9 small buttons corresponding to your bookmarks, so you didn't have to go to the Bookmarks menu. (Yes, I know there's a keyboard shortcut). Maybe there could be an option in the Preferences to display these or not.

-> The ability to move the panes around, i.e., set up your own layout. Maybe I want the scripture in a big pane on the left, and have my commentaries and books in two half-panes on the right.

-> Configurable toolbar

That's it. I expect them all to be done next release. :D

Jerry, thanks for your post. I keep all feedback like this in mind when determining what to work on. Just a couple of comments:

Double-clicking on a word in the scripture text would automatically jump to that entry in either:
(a) the currently active bok

It does this already, if the active book has an entry that matches the word.

a pre-determined book set in the Preferences for this purpose

Great suggestion.

The ability to move the panes around

This is something I am planning. Either a drag/drop/dock method of moving them, or several options of how the main screen is configured.

Thanks again for your post.